Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 October 2023


Everyone have a great week!

  • Thank you to Diane for starting us off. So pleased to hear that you were able to have an outing, and that it was so much fun. Sounds wonderful!

    Rusty, well done on the golf. 93! And still playing! Good Lord.

    AQ- Great that the girls are still enjoying their books - a wonderful habit for life, and so much pleasure. Pleased to say that all of our grandchildren still read as well. Tomasz has settled in well after his first year at High School and I'm still getting used to him being 12. Goodness, how the years go. The family are all now recovering from their bout of covid :-(
  • I hope things have gone well for OG, with their family conference. Never easy but sometimes a necessary thing.

    Annette, I see you're off again on your travels. It's a pity it's so far. At least you pace yourself.

    Harelady , You do keep busy.  Glad they're keeping an eye on your troublesome chest.

    Heather -Sorry you're not 100% Best to get checked out. Take Care.

    Clare - That film sounds good.

    Dibnlib -- A fun birthday, then, stretching out into more than one outing :-)

    We went out for lunch last Friday at a local Garden Centre - I had a delicious toasted panini with salad, and my OH had a huge plateful of gammon with two fried eggs, & chips! He polished it off fairly promptly, but then said he hoped I wouldn't want to have any cake afterwards!!  (I didnt!)

    Yesterday we did a food shop, then had a pleasant walk along the side of the Menai Straits. Most of the blackberries have been picked there, this year !

    Today we've been to Blackrock Sands which is a massive beach and popular in summer. As it's like a summers day here today, there were a lot of local families enjoying the sunshine and their dogs, too. Bonnie flew about, and wanted to sniff every single bunch of seaweed. As there were about a thousand of those, washed up on the sand, we had to drag her away eventually.

  • Morning all: Was forecast to be hot here today, but the ocean cloud cover has moved in - thank heaven - and the temps are headed down again. I'll be leaving for Arizona tomorrow after breakfast (first it was today Sunday, then Tuesday, so who knows if tomorrow will work out!). Anyway, am now washing basic stuff, will pack small suitcase tonight and organize snacks for the ride, although I'll get to Palm Desert in time for a stop at In 'n' Out Burger. :-)

    Re grandkids. I can't believe any of the babies/toddlers we've all heard about on this thread over the years are all so grown up. And Heather's daughter Amy, too.

    Heather: Glad the doc is following up on medical stuff.

    Will check back later.

  • Just came across this video about the tragedy of losing that 300 yr old Sycamore tree ... it will regrow!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Lindybird said:
    That film sounds good.

    it does.  I've been looking forward to seeing it for a while.

    Lindybird said:
    my OH had a huge plateful of gammon with two fried eggs, & chips!

    Yum, yum, yummmmmmmmyyyyyyy!  I love gammon.  I'm not surprised he demolished it.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • The Great Escaper is a lovely film. I can really recommend it!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare:  Just looked at the trailer for The Great Escaper. Looks lovely. How wonderful that Glenda Jackson was able to grace the screen at such an age. Michael Caine is no spring chicken, but he apparently is starting on a new film early 2024. Gosh, I remember them when they were young.....

    Wendy:  Good news about the sycamore, too bad we won't be around to enjoy it.   I wonder how it will grow, given that the main trunk has been cut.  Also hope they put razor wire around it for a hundred years or so - or maybe land mines - or somehow protect it from more idiots.   

  • Unknown said:
    Michael Caine is no spring chicken, but he apparently is starting on a new film early 2024.

    I've actually seen very few films with him in - I've seen Zulu and Educating Rita but that's all I can bring to mind!  He was lovely in this latest one and that down-to-earth accent of his really made the character for me - that, and the wide-eyed, vulnerable expression when he was remembering the day of the landings.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.