Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 October 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful week and a great October!

We've had an interesting phenomenon here in the Great Lakes/Midwest, including Indiana. Flamingos have been showing up on Lake Michigan and the Ohio River. Their presence here is unprecedented. They are tropical birds native to Central/South America, although some do appear in Florida.

Some scientists have speculated that the birds were blown here by Hurricane Idalia. Personally, I think that sounds odd because the hurricane traveled up the east coast of the US. The winds didn't impact the Midwest. (But nobody asked my opinion lol.) I hope the birds leave soon, because they won't survive our winter.

Hugs to all.



  • Morning all:

    Dibnlib: Happy Birthday (a bit late in the day, but...)

    OG: Re that tree in the road, the fire department/city workers made short work of it. I ended up sending an e-mail to the Public Works guy at the city passing on what the fire department guy had told me about the cables for the street lighting being a fire risk and got a note 'reassuring' me that the cables are coated with something and quite safe. Hmmm. He also said our street trees (City's responsibility) will be pruned next week. Hacked is more like it. Let us know how the family meeting goes.

    Daughter and I going to Fiddlers event this morning - it lasts all day but we'll see how we feel. Miss Pearl will be at our house coz no dogs allowed at the event, which is open air.

    Have decided to leave for AZ Tuesday morning after the worst LA rush hour traffic.

    Have a good Sunday everyone.
  • Rusty - Hope you enjoyed your golf today, and scored well. Did you see the pictures of the three courses in Scotland where they are 'supposed' to be playing the Dunhill Masters? Completely waterlogged, and more heavy rain due overnight. So sorry for all our friends in Scotland - we have had a lovely sunny, warm day down south.
  • Belated Happy Birthday from me, too, dibnlib. Hope that you can enjoy tomorrow better, when the weather might improve.

    Sorry, All, but we've been busy here.

    Our weather is very mixed, but not cold, which feels really strange. No need for a coat, and we just sat outside for an hour this afternoon!! I was already discombobulated before we left home as we'd just heard about the sad death of a wonderful lady who has lived locally all her life, and spent the last 30 years fundraising for our local hospice, in spite of her age and infirmity. She has been famous in the town. We're now waiting to hear when the funeral will be. So that's three deaths in only a few days! As you say, my OH looked at me and said "Well, we're still here!"
  • To those north of the border. I hope you have been able to keep dry and safe. I have seen photos on the news websites of landslides and flooding. It looks awful. I have read about the flooding at the golf too Pat.
    Annette - I hope you both enjoy the event you are going to.
    Lindy - glad you were able to sit outside for a while.
    I played most of my round of golf in a tee shirt. The conditions were difficult though and the wind was quite strong and gusty at times. Underfoot it was very heavy and the fought hadn’t been cut. On the bright side - I didn’t lose a ball and we had lots of laughs in our three ball. The other 2 ladies rode on a buggy (well one is 93) and I walked. I payed well tee to green but my chipping and putting was not good. The 93 year old won our three ball!!!!!! I am very pleased that I got round and I don’t feel too tired. In fact I went in the garden and did some dead heading before tea!!!