Continuing THOMO's LG feeder, and including other cams as per title.

First, some LG feeder snaps & vids from the past couple of days.

Female & male GSWs, joined up by trickery - you may notice that the peanut tube is misshapen Stuck out tongue winking eye

Nasty Great Coal Tit:

No trickery for the 2 Blue Tits:

Now for the torture - I just cannot figure out Greenfinch or female Chaffinch:

This was in flight so has had to be sharpened a lot:

Little vid:

No mistaking the evening Crestie!


  • superpud said:
    He has just said he has one goal to ser a osprey for himself

    get it wright photograph one and post it on here

  • I would get it *right* if my brain wasn't fried
  • Great to hear from you Superpud and very many thanks for updating us as necessary and even adding your own pennyworth     Grin

    Welcome to our group and this thread 

  • superpud said:
    I would get it *right* if my brain wasn't fried

    Don't discourage him - I love Dad's "original" spelling practices Grin

    Here's a newly tarted-up snap:


  • Unfortunately I don't think Trevor will be on for a couple of days so if you can flood me with nature shots I can show him in-between rests
  • superpud said:
    you can flood me with nature shots

    I'm not getting much off my current cams so here's one I just stumbled upon.

    per Vulture Conservation Foundation:
    The Cinereous Vulture, also known as the Eurasian Black Vulture is the largest European vulture, and one of the heaviest and largest raptors in the world, with its wingspan almost reaching 3 metres. The Cinereous Vulture faced a dramatic decline in Europe, but thanks to the increase of the Spanish population, the species is making a comeback in other parts of Europe, from Portugal to France and Bulgaria.


  • 08 February


    It didn't rain pre-midnight!  But made up for it afterwards.

    Some sheep made a little detour:

    The Black Vulture may have spent the night on the nest but the cam is offline overnight until about 08:25 in the morning - at which time 8CC was on the nest.  After a while 8CC left the nest, this was after it returned:

    I haven't seen any food on the nest, presumably at this age the juvie is eating its usual stale meat Stuck out tongue winking eye diet with its parents?


    07 Feb

    Road Runner!  When it mantled, unseen squirrels cropped out of the foreground had run away, there was definitely a threat there somewhere:

    08 Feb

    SNOW!  I didn't get the best views because... I won't bore you...

    I've got some nice Loch Leven feeder footage but have wilted at the first cut, shall try again tomorrow.


  • My favourite was the sheep         Relaxed

  • scylla said:
    Loch Leven feeder footage

    Some snaps for TREVOR to ID - haha Stuck out tongue winking eye

    EDIT - Oh those colours are completely wrong!  But look where I've ended up trying to fix them:

    @ 07 Feb - still SIX BARN OWLETS @ Owlceanside - it took a-g-e-s to get a shot showing all 6:


    Two Roadrunners !!!  But they're only in the same scene momentarily:

    Oh gawd, downloader's gawn kaput again.  That's opened a huge can of worms Tired face


  • Well, that's a brainy female GSW ! Well done her. And you Scylla, Thank you