Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 September 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful week.

For various reasons, I've had a bad summer. So. I concluded today that I need to improve my quality of life. I went outdoors and sat down on my front step to think. There on the sidewalk in front of me was a big, astonishingly beautiful feather. It appeared to be about 11 inches long. The shaft was a brilliant silver color. The bottom was a silver gray with white splotches, and the upper section was a mottled deep brown and midnight black. The edges were outlined in black and silver. 

I'm not good at identifying feathers, and I didn't recognize the bird species. I don't think it was a hawk feather. It wasn't a bald eagle, a goose, a duck, a vulture, or a wild turkey. It could have been an owl, but I didn't recognize it. 

As Annette said earlier, this is the time of peak migration here in the Midwest. Millions of birds are in the sky during the 3 hours after sunset. So, I reckon a bird from up north decided to visit me. I felt uplifted.

Take care, all.

  • OG Fingers crossed for J and so pleased he has coped with it all. OHs eye is still a bit red but much better thank you.
  • Lindy - I hope your OH has been able to fix the heating. It does sound as if Sue has got an ear infection. I hope you were able to persuade her to go to the doctors. I am sorry you are not feeling too good and I hope your blood pressure was OK. Mind you, it often goes up when people go to the doctors doesn’t it!! My friend’s doctor calls it “white coat syndrome”!!
    OG - I hope J has secured a job. Enjoy your lunch at the garden centre tomorrow
    My friend and I had a nice 2 hour mooch round the zoo this morning. It drizzled a bit but it didn’t put us off. We were very lucky to see the new black jaguar. In the restaurant we both chose fish and chips which we enjoyed. We had another shorter walk back to the car park and did manage to see the elusive anteater and its baby. My phone said we had done 3 miles.
  • What weird weather, I have just been out in sunshine and heavy rain at the same time to pick up all the pots which blew over in the night in my garden. I fed the birds whilst I was out there.
    My kettle has decided to stop switching itself off when it boils. 1st world problem I know. I have given it several chances but think I should replace it before my visitors come on Saturday. I have had it quite a long time as these things go and it was only a cheap one from Tescos.
  • Good Morning. Wild, windy and wet again, here.

    Rusty - Sue claims she feels a little better but I wonder if she's just saying that to stop my nagging! Kettles don't seem to last these days - if you go back over the last couple of years of my posts you'll find that we often have to change ours! Nice that you enjoyed your Zoo visit.

    I had my blood pressure check and guess what? It was only slightly high. Boo! It felt like the times we used to have the TV repair man in, years ago and the TV was fine when he arrived .... I'm now booked for yet more blood tests etc. to try and find out why I frequently feel unwell.  Edit:   I know about white coat syndrome - I even mentioned it yesterday. Its happened in the past - but this time it was in reverse!

    Hope that J has been offered a good position OG.

    Later, I'll come on and tell you about The Great Shower Drama! which happened this morning. Don't have time right now. Oh, and the heating seems to work this morning so that's good.

  • LINDY You have been feeling poorly for quite a while now. Hope you get an answer and a fix soon. In town this morning and the opera man was singing. He is wonderful to listen to. Unfortunately he was singing close to a favourite shoe shop so I had to pop in to see their new winter footwear and guess what, I came out with a new pair of Eccos.

    Hoping OG has positive news about J.

    RUSTY Another lucky visit to the zoo.
  • Its a mystery even to me, dibnlib. Enjoy the shoes!! I have some Ecco ones and they are supremely comfortable.

    It finally stopped raining so I fed the birds, and my OH packed away the garden sun umbrella till next year, boo. Then he threw out the sweet peas which have stopped flowering. Then he pruned the clematis which grows up the house & is very prolific. Then he painted another door in the hall....... now, he's resting!!

    OK. I'm having my shower. I get to the end of the shower gel I'm using (I have several on the go, according to which mood I'm in... ) and get the last little bit out, then decide to throw the plastic bottle out, literally. We have a washbasin right next to the shower cubicle so I open the door just enough to throw it straight into the basin to be dealt with later. Immediately, I'm surprised to see the bottle slide quickly and gracefully in an arc around the basin, swoosh! then shoot out again towards me, and land inside the shower! It's come in through the tiny space at the bottom of the door,  made by my sliding the folding door inwards.

    I laugh -- its made my day! Just wish it had been a difficult task on a TV game show, and maybe I would have been given a big prize, LOL!!

  • You obviously couldn't have done that if you had tried LINDY. I seem to have missed a page here so belatedly , thank you to CLARE for her boat pic.
  • Lindy - Was it an Australian 'boomerang' shower gel? Sounds like it ...

    Raining, and high wind, here as well. Seems to be all over. Fortunately my lovely gardening lady had time to 'plant' my sister's ashes and the skimmia before the rain started. They will be well watered in! I hope the rain stops soon - I have to go out to a meeting later and really don't fancy getting soaked.
  • Hallo all: A busy day with a pause to watch a flock of starlings (very unusual here) descend - time and time again - onto our fountain for a group freshen up. What an aggressive bunch! No manners at all.

    Lindybird. What a hoot.. As dibnlib says, You couldn't do that if you'd tried. Good that the doc is taking you seriously - if only to find out there's no reason for concern.

    Have read all the news, please excuse lack of individual replies. Take care everyone.