Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 September 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful week.

For various reasons, I've had a bad summer. So. I concluded today that I need to improve my quality of life. I went outdoors and sat down on my front step to think. There on the sidewalk in front of me was a big, astonishingly beautiful feather. It appeared to be about 11 inches long. The shaft was a brilliant silver color. The bottom was a silver gray with white splotches, and the upper section was a mottled deep brown and midnight black. The edges were outlined in black and silver. 

I'm not good at identifying feathers, and I didn't recognize the bird species. I don't think it was a hawk feather. It wasn't a bald eagle, a goose, a duck, a vulture, or a wild turkey. It could have been an owl, but I didn't recognize it. 

As Annette said earlier, this is the time of peak migration here in the Midwest. Millions of birds are in the sky during the 3 hours after sunset. So, I reckon a bird from up north decided to visit me. I felt uplifted.

Take care, all.

  • Evening all: Must make plans to get our various jabs organized.

    AQ: Did your OH get his wifi back? Wonder what could be affecting his access given that he's closer to the box (assume no other electronics blocking the signal). Odd. And so typically techy. Are those miners full-time residents or just passing through? Seems every species (not sure if that's correct in this context) has its bullies. And as OG says, the bird looks seriously bad-tempered in the photo.

    OG: It's really good to hear that you're out and about and also busy with the church newsletter. Glad the quiz was fun.
    Where does that happen? I forgot. Anyway, too much time on our hands isn't a good thing. The disorganization at J's -new employer sounds oh-so-very typical.

    Rusty I always tend to buy more food than I need and then end up with too many leftovers. I'm sure they'll all be thrilled that they don't have to do anything at all except show up.

    Heather: Don't worry about doing 'nothing.' I get quite plenty of exercise just reading about everyone's activities.

    Have a good Friday everyone.
  • OG So pleased to hear you have a happy new routine.
  • ANNETTE – No internet for OH; he will have to wait until s-i-l returns early Oct (too busy before he departs). Those noisy miners (their full name) are permanent since OH stupidly planted Aussie natives. ALL noisy miners look bad-tempered and ALL are aggressive. I searched YouTube for their horrid aggressive squawks but I could only find their usual average year-round call.

    This morn I visited plant nursery for my 2 tomatoes and punnet of rainbow silver beet. OH decided to tag along for some lawn top-dressing. Darn, I was hoping to browse the aisles for other veggies, herbs and maybe even flowers but he trailed after me looking more and more frustrated with my “dithering”. He found what he wanted, struggling to lift bag on to trolley, another customer helped, then a second man helped lift into the boot of my car. At home OH managed to lift out with my feeble help and he has since spent hours decorating the front lawn.

  • aquilareen said:
    OH managed to lift out with my feeble help and he has since spent hours decorating the front lawn.

    I know it was a frustrating shop but it sounds as though he did something positive for himself today.  Does he always pick up mood-wise in Spring?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • AQ - Had to laugh at the description of the Miner birds in your link: "can be annoying!" It sounds like an understatement.

    OG - Things going well there; I hope J enjoys the new job.

    Rusty your plans for your celebration sound sensible. I usually try to cater for too much food, rather than worry about there not being enough. People can go home with some if there's a big surplus.

    Got my flu jab done & the nurse said "Would you like to have your covid booster while you're here, as you've one due?" Of course, I jumped at the chance of saving another trip later. However, she put one in each arm and by evening they were both painful. Then a rather uncomfortable night trying to get settled. Still, I'm done and dusted now.

    Went for an ECG test today. On the way there, got caught up in traffic, so I said to the nurse, it's going to be racing! She said it was a little high but not to worry. Next test is a blood test on Monday, then we'll see what's decided. At least I'm still alive, I said!
  • I have been and bought my new kettle. Guess what? I have bought the same model as the one which broke! Tescos - £13!!! The other one lasted several years so I decided that was the way to go. Also, don’t you think you get used to how things look and work? I do. I am now going to go to the tip with the old one and continue to the garden centre to buy more things to prop up my poor plants. I was going to attempt to cut the grass but the “light rain” has turned out to be heavy.
    Lindy - how sensible to have both jabs together. A night of discomfort is worth it in my opinion. I told you about the fact that they now can’t do both together at my doctors! No one I know here in Wales has heard anything about the next covid jab. My sister, brother in law and friends who live over the border have all been notified and got appointments. I hope the many tests you are having help to sort things out for you.
  • Quick question RUSTY I sort of knew you were on the Welsh/English border, but whereabouts? My kettle has just started to flake so guess I will have to replace it soon......but not until absolutely necessary. I hope your birthday celebrations go well.
  • Morning all: I have daughter's dog Pearl here for a few days. Daughter is creaky as long-legged great-granddaughter managed to inadvertently kick her bad leg while they were in the pool at one of grandson's wedding dos' (doos? dooz?) Anyway, local noisy crows like to sit on the telephone lines and taunt Pearl (all the while pretending not to notice her), which creates lots of barking and rushing about. And heaven help us if she spies a squirrel. All these critters sure are noisy. I've put a nice old blanket on the rug for her to loll on, but it she using it? No. She'd rather leave dog hair on the rug. Grrrr. :-)

    AQ: My OH also likes to go, do and leave with no 'wasted' time puttering so he rarely comes along on my outings (doesn't get invited actually). Glad you both got some help at the nursery. I have a low, four-wheeled garden cart with a seat that I position behind my car so I can maneuver heavy bags over the lip of the trunk and onto the cart, which I then tote around the garage/garden courtesy of a small rope I attached. It's not elegant but it works.

    Pretty darn cool by our normal standards this morning.....Fall already. Am making plans to keep all the holidays very, very simple this year.

  • Well, I have succumbed and put the heating on. It is the damp more than anything which is making me feel cold.
    I got my errands done this afternoon but, at the garden centre, I realised I had an almost flat tyre. I drove slowly (well we can only go at 20mph anyway here in Wales on roads which were 30 before) to the tyre place. They couldn’t do it there and then (he thinks I have a puncture) so he put some air in and I have an appointment to go and get it looked at next week. There is always something isn’t there? I did manage to prop up some of the plants which had been battered down so the garden looks marginally tidier. Then, unexpectedly a friend called with a card for tomorrow. We decided we should “test” the M&S lemon drizzle cake I had bought for tomorrow. It was very nice!!! I should have bought 2!!!! So we had a good chat.
    Dibnlib - I live about 12 miles from Chester over the Welsh border in a semi rural area bordering an area of outstanding natural beauty. I have lived here for over 40 years now and really like it. It is a very friendly place. I almost always bump into someone I know when I go shopping in the nearby town.
  • rusty2 said:
    Then, unexpectedly a friend called with a card for tomorrow. We decided we should “test” the M&S lemon drizzle cake I had bought for tomorrow. It was very nice!!! I should have bought 2!!!! So we had a good chat.

    Lemon drizzle is my favourite ....... you'd have needed more than two if I lived anywhere near you (and fortunately for you, I don't!).

    rusty2 said:
    I live about 12 miles from Chester over the Welsh border in a semi rural area bordering an area of outstanding natural beauty.

    I've heard that's a beautiful part of the world.   Funnily enough we also live within a couple of miles of an AONB - Suffolk Coast and Heaths.  I suspect we're a bit flatter than you, though.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.