Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 September 2023


Have a good week, folks.

I'm once again in the midst of a regional power outage. So, I'm logging off to preserve the charge on my phone. Sigh...

Take care, all.

  • Lindybird said:
    Why don't you think you'll be going to Mull next year?

    Because we're looking at taking Limpy back to Belfast next year, and Helen will be coming.  Neither Helen or I have ever seen the city.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Loud and long SWEARYWORDS here this evening! J was told at lunchtime that they don't need him any longer as someone who was off sick has reapperaed from tomorrow! He said today's bus was an even worse ride for bumps and discomfort, so in one way it is better that he isn't going again, but the whole business is not good for someone who suffers from serious stress and can't cope with change! (Not much good for the aged parents at home either!).
  • Sorry to hear that, OG. How disappointing.
  • I'm so sorry, OG. I wish someone out there had a suitable permanent job for J as it is obvious that temporary staff are still considered to be second-class. It must be soul-destroying for him.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • OG: Total sympathy from this end, especially as you and EE are so affected. It must be like a bad roller-coaster ride (or as for J this morning, bad bus rides). Does J need to seek work as part of any disability benefits? Any dogs in the neighborhood that need walking, etc....?
  • OG - what a shame for J. I seem to recall you thought the job was for 2 weeks. The person off ill must have made a speedy recovery. I do wish he could find something more stable. I suspect money is the issue with many schools and they just can’t afford the number of support staff they need. Also, you live in a sort of semi rural area don’t you so there won’t be as many schools to choose from. The cards seem to be stacked against J. Sorry you and EE are stressed and worried.
    Clare - what a great idea to plan to go to Belfast.
    Pat - you sound a lot like my sister when it comes to church asking her to do things. She resigned from the council (or whatever it is called) several years ago, but this year was pleaded with to go back on it. She has also been doing the magazine for as long as I can remember. No one else wants to do it so she just keeps going. Since I gave up being the coordinator of French and Armchair Travellers I can now attend the groups just as a member without any of the worries. I still contribute to both by giving talks and preparing lessons. I got out of the coordinator role by giving a date when I would stop. It was either a case of the groups folding or someone else coming forward. I suppose doing things for the church is different though.
    I managed to cut the grass again this afternoon. I was quite pleased with myself.
  • OG - I'm so sorry that this has happened to J - it's not the first time and it must have an effect on all of you, as you say.
    DIBNLIB - I love Moorcroft, have a couple of pieces and would have more in a flash !
    I hope that your brother returns from Spain ....
    ANNETTE - I wish that your granddaughter lived nearer to you !
    RUSTY - Please send me some energy - mental and physical !
    PAT - I hope that you will feel better, soon x
    LINDY - has that door got it's handle yet? I keep imagining one of you stuck inside :-(
  • Annette - Your idea of standing in front of the mirror and telling myself I'm too busy to take on anything else sounds great ... if only I had the time ... :)

    Seriously, I know something has to give and - when I have a free day - I will do a full mental audit and see what I can sensibly let go of. It has to be done. Being a perfectionist and being overloaded is not good - I see I am less efficient, and that upsets me. Better to be perfect in a few things than rubbish at a lot of things!!
  • Thanks HEATHER me too.

    OG Rotten news for all 3 of you.
  • PatO: Sounds smart. Maybe I'll try it. :-)