Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 August 2023


I've just read confirmation that Indiana now has wild armadillos. They are increasingly being seen on my local roads and in our forests. These animals are native to the southernmost US states, but have moved much further north in response to climate change. I'd love to see one.

Take care, all.


  • Ugh. I've seen that repeatedly popping up on Limpy's Facebook feed ......... they weren't the good old days in my eyes. For starters it mentions nothing about it being perfectly OK to sack a woman ........ for getting married! I've actually got a 50's era cook book at home and it makes the assumption that the housewife will spend several hours a day in the kitchen - every day! The thought is horrifying.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lindybird said:

    Spot on.  Saying that, if you go through your life moaning and finding fault you'll be stuck with the wrong lines - the ones that make you look a misery.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thanks LINDY We took some time to deliberate on do we or don't we keep the same car - a VW Golf match, not quite 4 years old with 22k on the clock . I don't drive so OH was the decider. After deciding to explore for a nearly new car and test driving a few, we stumbled upon a pre registered Volvo (XC40) with only 10 miles on the clock and all the extras we wanted. It is a wonderfully quiet and smooth ride both as a passenger and driver. From the outset we decided we didn't want an electric car and this one is a mild hybrid.
  • In a brighter note I thought I would begin my travelogue.

    Day 1. We flew from Manchester to Inverness. 1 hour 2 minutes. Beats driving. We were on Loganair. You get a complimentary Tunnocks wafer and a cup of tea!!!!!

    We had a superb drive the length of Loch Ness passing Eileen Donan Castle.

    We then crossed the Skye bridge and stayed in Kyleakin where I captured the bridge and the sunset

  • Lovely photos, Rusty. We did that drive back in 2007 - we were on holiday in Moray and Helen (then aged 7) decided she wanted to visit Dunvegan Castle on Skye! It took four hours each way but was massively worth it - the weather was fantastic and the scenery amazing.

    Looking forward to the next instalment!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • We went to Dunvegan Clare. It will be in the next instalment. The gardens were lovely.

  • Lindybird said:
    AQ!! Agree that the impact of the crushing may well remain in the minds of the speeding idiots - maybe the dramatic crushing should be filmed and shown on TV.

    LINDA - The crushing has been prominent on TV and newspapers. I dare say social media as well.

  • CLARE - I got my first job because my predecessor married.

    For those interested in the results - After 145,038 votes across two rounds of voting, the magpie reigns supreme as Australia's favourite animal sound.

    1. Magpie (23,125 votes) 36%
    2. Kookaburra (12,640 votes) 19%
    3. Butcherbird (6,088 votes) 9%
    4. Whipbird (5,141 votes) 8%
    5. Lyrebird (4,395 votes) 6%
    6. Black cockatoo (4,257 votes) 6%
    7. Banjo frog (2,648 votes) 4%
    8. Boobook (2,328 votes) 3%
    9. Fairywren (1,660 votes) 2%
    10. Cicada (1,164) 1%
  • Rusty - Thanks for the memories ... that will go straight into next week's church newsletter. I always try to have at least one amusing article, and that one will do nicely! Looking forward to the next instalment of your travels. I have been to Skye many times. The first time the bridge had not been built and we went across - in a coach - on the ferry. Once the bridge was built I always went in the side door - ferries either from Mallaig to Armadale, or the old turntable ferry (the last of its kind in the world, according to Mr Google) from Kylerhea to Glenelg. I am proud to say I have never even seen the bridge! It's a beautiful island, so varied - but Mull still has my heart ...