Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 August 2023


I've just read confirmation that Indiana now has wild armadillos. They are increasingly being seen on my local roads and in our forests. These animals are native to the southernmost US states, but have moved much further north in response to climate change. I'd love to see one.

Take care, all.


  • Hallo all: Been at sixes and sevens here, but things should be settling down. Spent Sunday at the E.R. with OH who woke with severe abdominal pain. Got to the E.R. across the freeway at 9 a.m. and by 3 p.m. he was in a recovery room at the big hospital downtown after surgery for a twisted intestine that was on the verge of getting very nasty. All went very well with all a loose ends tied up nicely so to speak and without any external bags or anything. And all done with a modified keyhole approach! Amazing. They said they'll keep him in 3-5 days. Meanwhile, daughter got the word late last week that she can switch apartments to one she's had an eye on for months - and that's all happening Thursday and Friday, so there hasn't been much down time (although I just came in from an hour's nap in the garden). We've already packed some easy stuff and will move that and her plants when she get the keys Thursday. Movers are arriving 8 a.m. Friday for the big boxes and heavy stuff. Granddaughter - bless her heart - is driving here with Ms D for very fast turnaround trip to help unpack on Saturday. Grandson is an option but he's on call with various fires so not sure of availability (and besides, he and daughter are too much alike and tend to get testy with each other in short order and who needs that!!). Daughter's new place has a larger, more private and heavily shaded patio and is on the outside of the building looking out onto plants and trees. I'm hoping OH's release and move will somehow mesh together well, but you know how those things go. Sigh.

    Have read all your posts but do not have the wherewithal to put appropriate responses into words, so please forgive....

    Take care everyone.
  • Oh dear, Annette. What happenings. I do hope your OH recovers well - I believe that recovery is swifter with the modern less invasive surgery. Such a worry for you. Good luck to your daughter with the new flat, it sounds nicer.

    Edit: Don't worry about anything, let alone replies on here!! Take care of yourself.

  • ANNETTE: I'm so very sorry about your OH's condition and hospitalization. I hope he recovers very quickly wirh no lingering pain. I'm also sorry that your daughter's move is happening at the same time. That's a lot of stress on you. Take good care of yourself. Rest when you need to. Sending you strength.
  • Best wishes for your OH and for your daughter's move. I hope you'll be able to get some rest by the week's end!
  • ANNETTE - Sending hugs and best thoughts to you. I hope that your OH will be ready to come home soon. It's lovely that your granddaughter will be on hand to help with her mother's house move...
  • ANNETTE Oh my goodness, what a time you are having. Glad all went well for your OHs surgery.
  • DIANE – Thank you for a new week. I did not know armadillos were in your part of the world. (or is plural –oes?)

    ANNETTE –I hope all continues well for your OH and he is soon home. A scary time for you.

    A busy few days dealing with OH’s paperwork. I had lovely lunch with School Friend Monday, Dau & appendages visited at weekend.

    Tonight I shall not watch the women’s soccer, our girls vs ENG. I’ll check the scores when finished! Our stupid PM has been counting his “chickens before they hatch” talking about a public holiday if the Matildas win the final. However it is not his call; it’s the states’ decision, and anyway the economy won’t take it. He is trying to distract us from high prices, lack of housing, poor hospital service, etc, etc. Meanwhile the women’s cricket win in South Africa was ignored.

  • Annette - wishing your OH a speedy recovery and a smooth move for your Daughter. Look after yourself too!

  • Annette - What a lot going on for you. Do take care of yourself, and hope your OH is soon home and that your daughter's move goes smoothly. Thoughts and prayers with you all.

    AQ - Did nobody tell you football rules the world?!?!? Personally I try to ignore it, but it's all over radio and television and the internet, so not easy. Give me cricket every time ...
  • PAT - Aussies generally don't consider "soccer" to be football. "Aussies Rules" rules LOL. I'm not a great sport follower, probably because I was never any good at any. Poor eyesight is my excuse. I watch cycling for the scenery; not much interesting scenery on a cricket pitch or football stadium. I must dash, veggies for tea are calling to be cooked.