Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 August 2023


I've just read confirmation that Indiana now has wild armadillos. They are increasingly being seen on my local roads and in our forests. These animals are native to the southernmost US states, but have moved much further north in response to climate change. I'd love to see one.

Take care, all.


  • Unknown said:
    CLARE/LIMPY: I hope you enjoy your trip to Rutland Water!

    Thank you.  I'm sure we will!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good morning and Thank you, DIANE !
    It's been the usual quiet week here. The weather hasn't been great - apart from Thursday. I've been thinking about RUSTY in the Western Isles etc and hoping that there was some sun at times.
    Because it was sunny on Thursday, my youngest an d family came here and did my garden. The two granddaughters were busy weeding, etc. They have been brought up to help in their own garden so it wasn't a chore for them !
    I've been reading all your news. I was very moved by all the chat about being a carer, etc. My late husband was very fit until his last three months and even as a retired nurse, I found it difficult to adjust to things. I can only hope that if I had been his carer for longer, I would have come up to scratch.....
    Take care, all.

  • Visit from Dau#1 went well and the four of us enjoyed the history exhibition. GDaughter returning from Madagascar arrived back for the walk, but minus her bigger hold bag - BA think it is in Nairobi! The first walk day was up to speed, so Dau knew where to pick them up and expects to arrive here earlier tomorrow morning. Later in the week she will find other places to spend her time between set down and pick up points.
  • How nice for your granddaughters to help out, Heather. You must be pleased -- and of course nice for you to see them, too.

    I helped my OH to cut great lumps off a smallish tree we have in the front garden. It was sold to us as not going to be a large specimen when fully grown, but it has in the last couple of years nevertheless become much taller and wider. So, he went up a short ladder, and I stood back and directed operations as to which bits to lop!

    This became a noisy operation, however! as my OH couldn't hear me properly unless I shouted out loudly. Goodness knows what our neighbours thought! Somehow, we got the job done and now have a big pile of greenery to take to the tip, as I pruned a big rhododendron, too.
  • OG - See you've been on whilst I was writing. Good that the visit has been a success. The airlines seem to claim that these days its all electronic & computerised, but all the same, I keep hearing tales of lost bags.
  • Good morning all from a rainy suffolk. Not had much rain last week so im not complaining.

    As always I love hearing all your news.

    I am gearing up for my stint at Nanny Duty starting on Wednesday in SE London looking after James 6 and Lily 3 while Mum and Dad work.

    I then leave there on Monday pm to drive to Silverstone to help with my Grandaughters Sephi 11 and Luna 6 for week. Then I will be doing nothing for a few days!

    Yesterday and friend and I went to Dunwich Heath, which is managed by The National Trust - we followed the wartime Trail which was very good - info below if anyone fancies reading about it.


    The heath by this time is usually covered in purple heather but a lot of it was dead due to a beetle infestation. They hope it will recover.

    Well another week is beginning and as always the year is flying by.

    To all those on holidays or planning trips have a great time and do tell us all about it.

    Keep well everyone.

  • What a quiet day it's been on here. Limpy and I had an enjoyable visit to Rutland yesterday - we saw the ospreys and reminisced about the Manton Bay young of 10 years ago, one of whom (Telyn, blue 3J) is the Dyfi female. Our local wildlife trust is hoping to start a translocation project in Suffolk next year but it's dependent on the avian flu situation.

    I enjoyed my usual Monday evening yoga class and Limpy is looking forward to tomorrow's hydrotherapy session. It's good to see him looking forward to hospital treatment for a change!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I am home. Got back last night.
    Heather and Dibnlib - guess where we spent a lovely 2 hours yesterday morning? Yes. Inverness!!! We had coffee in the little cafe adjacent to the cathedral. We had a lovely walk round the town and along the river. We loved the Victorian Market. My friend bought an ice cream there. Apart from one morning, we had glorious weather all week on the Isles. We even went paddling on Esriskay!!! Excellent holiday. I saw 2 white tailed eagles. I will write a report in due course but have washing, shopping, grass and all the usual catching up things to do first. I haven’t had time to read all the news but I will have a catch up later. I trust everyone is ok.
  • Glad you had an enjoyable visit to Rutland, Clare & Limpy.

    Rusty, good that you're home again and we're looking forward to seeing your pictures & descriptions. Inverness sounds good!

    I don't think I posted yesterday - don't know where the day went! After lunch I went to a medical check up with the Nurse but only about my current meds & my blood pressure. All seems OK and as I left, I passed the window where the receptionist sits -- she asked me "Everything alright?" I grinned at her and said "Apparently I'm still alive!" which cracked her up!