Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 August 2023


I hope everyone has a peaceful, serene week!

I'll come back later to post some replies. A big storm is in progress here--AGAIN.

Best wishes for a good holiday to all those who are leaving!

  • OG Erica has always been full of the joys of spring and remains so.
  • Dibnlib: your friend is an inspiration.
  • Hello. Was going to put good morning but then realised I'm a bit out of date.

    SunnyKate - It's admirable to not "give in" to your frailties.

    Not as sunny here, but still dry and so I watered a few pots as we got out of the habit of watering when we had so much rain. Went to the supermarket as usual to stock up, but didn't need so much as we went shopping on Wednesday and used another shop. Bought some treats, but do have to be more careful now, as whenever the girl announces the total owing at the till, it sounds like a mistake!!

  • Someone recently published this copy of their pay slip from 1968. Its almost exactly the same as mine was, from a couple of years earlier, when I earned the princely sum of 5 guineas (£5 & 5 shillings) a week for working 9 to 5!! Out of that, I gave my mother £2 for my keep, spent about £1.75 on bus fares getting to work, and all the rest was mine!!

  • Friday passed in a haze of domestic pressure and confusion – everything sorted and I did a good catch-up and tidy of my menus and freezer records! Today J is tidying and cleaning his room – inspired by a mislaid cable which he has amazingly found! OH is being indoor busy again as the weather is mostly wet.

    LINDA – a busy time for sparrows here too – about thirty arguing around the birdbath yesterday when the sun was shining. The actual window job was a good one, but it was the repairing of the door we were arguing about. Another wait for the new door, of course, but it seemed a good offer (we declined their suggestion of replacing the gutters again!).

    AQ – all those hoops to jump through to continue driving! Red tape there sounds worse than here! (although I do basically agree with checking oldies on the road) My father was a “difficult” man – but when he died, my mother told me that one thing which kept her going was remembering when he used to laugh.

    Well, the sun is out again now – maybe for a few hours, apparently. Dog walkers will appear in a minute – our neighbourhood dogs must have spent the morning with their legs crossed!
  • Lindybird said:
    Bought some treats, but do have to be more careful now, as whenever the girl announces the total owing at the till, it sounds like a mistake!!

    Blimey, I know that feeling all too well.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • aquilareen said:
    Clare Bailey said:
    How does anyone continue to go through life with nothing to laugh at?

    CLARE – I guess it takes all types to make our world.

    I suppose so, but when I read your comment about your OH's lack of humour I found myself thinking about my late father, who would have been in the Guinness Book of Records for being critical if they had had such a category.  My mother was the naturally happy one ....... how they ended up together is something that'll always be a mystery to me.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hello all, just got back from our break in Kent. Ups and downs with getting there and whilst there but otherwise an enjoyable trip. Lots of walking which was hard on my feet, good job I took the walker it came in handy as a makeshift wheelchair at times.

    Hope all of you are keeping well, will pop in again next week and post a pic or two of our visit to Bruges and Canterbury.
    Have a good weekend all.
  • Good that you managed to enjoy yourself, Lynette. Look forward to your pics.

    My OH and I laugh, a lot. I had many boyfriends in the far away days, but I think every single one had a sense of humour- they had to have one! My father was a serious and clever man, but his sense of humour was huge - I think I inherited it from him. I thank him for that legacy.

    Sue has had a trying time looking after her sons dog, who has been to the Vets several times and then two days ago took a turn for the worst. She had to sleep next to him and had another appointment with the vets yesterday at around the time her family returned from their holidays  - - as they got back, the vet pronounced that he had pneumonia and he's now full of various pills. It's been a huge worry for her that they would come home to find they'd lost their much loved dog. Now it's a waiting game to see if he recovers.

    Meanwhile, we have Mabel the dog here again, as my OHs other sister has gone to visit her daughter in London. Bonnie is unconcerned as Mabel is very quiet but I'm having to be vigilant as she is a much bigger dog, and can reach any food on the worktops!!

  • Bonnie with Mabel earlier this year.