Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 August 2023


I hope everyone has a peaceful, serene week!

I'll come back later to post some replies. A big storm is in progress here--AGAIN.

Best wishes for a good holiday to all those who are leaving!

  • Oh dear, bjane, I hope your week is not being too awful.

    The day began with sunshine through the window here, but by the time we'd had breakfast it had changed to grim & grey and then it drizzled. By mid morning it cleared up, and as it was drier, my OH has just mown the lawn which was much needed as the grass is growing like mad.

    We sat & watched some of the England match on TV as my OH is now a convert to womens football. I'm sure if you'd asked him about it ten years ago he would have said that the standard was not high enough, but he now is happy to watch it and discuss. It was a bit of a mixed bag with one of our players (quite rightly) sent off and a tense penalty play off at the end, which is never satisfactory.

    AQ - Forgot to say, thanks for the link to the cute bilbies and bandicoots!!
  • Pat, I love cats too and have lived with them for most of my life, until now. I also have many many cats and pictures of cats around the house. But it's not the same as a cuddle!!
  • I'm Golden

    I am a Golden Bandicoot -
    A mouthful to say, I know
    For such a tiny creature
    With nowhere else to go.

    I sit here looking really cute
    As though butter wouldn't melt
    But once I've found myself a mate
    We get together, don't hesitate!

    So, soon we'll take over the world
    Or at least, this part of Oz
    We pride ourselves on family
    And so multiply, just.....because!!

  • Hallo all: I see Lindybird has been visited by the muse once more. :-))

    OG: Didn't realize how accomplished you granddaughter was (or maybe I haven't been paying attention). Thank heavens she isn't in South Korea.
  • HEATHER – Aussieland has lots of wee creatures that I have never heard of!

    PAT – It is so cruel not to allow pets where you live. Here they are about to let renters keep pets but of course landlords are objecting. More and more we read that “care animals” are being allowed into aged care homes, schools – one school has discovered their dog soothes students who behave better & learn more.

    LINDA – Love your delightful poem. I’m sure the people in charge of the project are happy there is no, er, hesitation.

    Overnight min was 2.4 C at 5.30 am. At 8 am it has reached a chilly 5 C and I’ve just hung a load of washing. Clear sky and expecting another sunny day.

    Good morning ANNETTE. You posted while I was typing.

  • Hi there AQ; I went off to organize dinner for OH and then for Zoom yoga class.

    PatO/AQ They allow pets in retirement communities here and also take all kinds of critters to nursing homes (well, reasonably sized wildlife!). People are soothed by them.

    Looks like Diane's weather has settled, but the southern and eastern states are having terrible storms.

    Have a good Tuesday everyone.
  • Good Morning. Drier and trying to be sunny, here. Looks as if we are going to get a couple of warmer days soon, but the weekend is doubtful. August in the UK is a lottery!!

    AQ - At least you can get your laundry out. It sounds cold, there

    Am cleaning out kitchen cupboards as it didn't get done in spring. Trying to discard things we no longer use, as I go. I did treat myself to some new pots & pans recently which are now a pleasure to use. But can't get rid of all the old ones! We often have several kinds of vegetables with our meals so need several small pans rather than family sized ones. The old frying basket is gone as I never deep fry anything any more - I had kept one which was my mother's but it was superfluous.