ALYTH AUGUST 2023 to end of FEBRUARY 2024

  • Link to season’s opening post here

Link to July 2023 - here


FLORA HK0 arrived 30 March 2023

HARRY (unringed) arrived 4 April 2023


EGG No.1 laid 15 AprilHatched 21 May (37 days)  Fledged 9 July aged 49 days

EGG No. 2 laid 18 AprilHatched 23 May (36 days)  Fledged 14 July aged 52 days

EGG No. 3 laid 21 AprilHatched 25 May (35 days)  Fledged 20 July aged 56 days


Due to the height of this nest, no ringing of the chicks takes place.


This has been a dramatic month with chick #1 getting a thin piece of plastic wrapped around its ankle for a few days, (Flora has a love of bringing plastic to the nest) chick #2 turning out to be quite aggressive, especially to chick #3 and chick #3 not getting much to eat on a lot of days. However, the three chicks are still here and seem to be doing okay. The fish brought to the nest can be sporadic and mostly small but each juvenile usually manages to get something to eat. #3 is getting more confident in snatching the fish as they arrive. We’ve had a couple of scares with Flora twice tumbling off the side of the nest with a juvenile but luckily no harm done. Flora wasn’t seen for 3 days (24-26 July) but is thankfully back and providing for the nest. 

#1 has been taking fish off the nest to eat since 17 July (58 days old) so I am expecting this juvenile to be the first to begin migration but who knows! It’s still a few weeks away so hopefully the fish supply will include a few big ones to fatten these young ospreys up for their long journeys ahead. 

Today, 1 August,  the juveniles are 72, 70 and 68 days old. 

The family at the beginning of the month

and now the three juveniles

Flora and Harry delivering fish

All captures and videos ©️ SSEN Transmission

  • 15.55 #2 was back on the nest when the next fish was delivered from Harry.

    15.55 #3 arrives 


    16.13 #3 takes a rush at #2 and pushes her off the nest

    However, #2 gets caught on the sticks underneath 

    She is stuck, hanging upside down.

    This is just horrible to watch

     She is still there, trying to break free.

    She’s trying to turn

    One mighty effort

    and she’s free

    #3 watches then quickly leaves the nest

    That was 43 seconds which felt like 43 minutes. 

    I honestly don’t know how these birds aren’t injured throughout all of this. 

  • 16.19 #2 returns to the nest. She’s alright thank goodness.

  • Next fish is delivered at 18.38 and look who’s delivered it!
    Flora is back!! After a whole week! 

    However, it’s #2 on the nest to receive her 4th fish of the day.. #3 has had zero.

    18.50 Fish finished and #2 calling again.

    #3 didn’t appear on the nest this time. 

    I wonder if this is the last we’ll see of Flora this year?

    I hope she hangs around for a bit longer so both the juveniles can get well fed.

  • Wednesday 9 August

    05.22 Beautiful sky as #2 arrives on the nest.

    05.30 She settled down on the nest for over an hour.

    She left to sit on the cam pole at 06.45

    She sat on the cam pole for a good few minutes calling but there was no reply.

    07.17 Calling in the distance could be heard, coming closer and closer until #2 arrived back at 07.18

  • 07.45 First fish arrives from Harry. #2 is on the nest to receive it.

    It’s a much better sized fish than usual. Harry has started on it already and has a bloodied front.

    07.45 Harry leaves, Flora arrives. She mantles.

    #2 tells her to go

    07.46. #3 arrives

    He mantles


    08.48  #3 chases #2 off the nest. She takes the fish.

    #3 returns to the nest.

  • 11.47. #3 stayed on the nest and was able to receive the next fish which was caught by Flora. Another meatier headless one.

    Flora left and #2 arrived a minute later 11.48

    #2 and #3 were both vocalising 

    11.52 #2 left of her own accord. She’ll not be too hungry after the fish she had earlier.

    11.54 #3 continues eating


    13.26 and finally he swallows the tail.

  • #3 stayed on the nest and was there for the next fish as well from Harry. 14.08 

    #2 lands but doesn’t stay long



    15.58 #3 reaches the tail to finish his meal.

  • Well here’s a rare sight, both birds with a fish at the same time! Hugging

    #3 had just received another fish from Harry at 16.33 

    16.35 I’ve never seen #3 with such a full crop! 

    17.06 He stops eating for a bit

    17.14 #2 arrived on the nest as Flora was flying in with a fish.

    #3 mantled over his fish (left) and #2 was able to take the fish from Flora

    17.15 A sight for sore eyes! Two hearts Both chicks happy with a fish 

    17.26  #2 takes hers off nest to eat.

  • 18.56 I’m not sure who this is on the nest but they are so full, they’re not even wanting the next fish! I suspect it must be #3  It’s a lovely fish too from Harry.

    Harry waits then starts eating

    19.29 After half a hour he leaves with the fish.

  • Harry returns with the fish at 20.09 

    His colouring is so much paler than at the beginning of the season.
    He used to have such a dark necklace that I’d get him and Flora mixed up when they were incubating the eggs! 

    20.16 Again, the fish isn’t wanted so Harry leaves once more.

    #3 still has the remains of his last fish in his talons.

    #3 leaves at 20.21

    20.36 Harry tries once more with his fish He waits for 24 minutes.

    21.00 Harry is the last to leave the nest tonight.