ALYTH AUGUST 2023 to end of FEBRUARY 2024

  • Link to season’s opening post here

Link to July 2023 - here


FLORA HK0 arrived 30 March 2023

HARRY (unringed) arrived 4 April 2023


EGG No.1 laid 15 AprilHatched 21 May (37 days)  Fledged 9 July aged 49 days

EGG No. 2 laid 18 AprilHatched 23 May (36 days)  Fledged 14 July aged 52 days

EGG No. 3 laid 21 AprilHatched 25 May (35 days)  Fledged 20 July aged 56 days


Due to the height of this nest, no ringing of the chicks takes place.


This has been a dramatic month with chick #1 getting a thin piece of plastic wrapped around its ankle for a few days, (Flora has a love of bringing plastic to the nest) chick #2 turning out to be quite aggressive, especially to chick #3 and chick #3 not getting much to eat on a lot of days. However, the three chicks are still here and seem to be doing okay. The fish brought to the nest can be sporadic and mostly small but each juvenile usually manages to get something to eat. #3 is getting more confident in snatching the fish as they arrive. We’ve had a couple of scares with Flora twice tumbling off the side of the nest with a juvenile but luckily no harm done. Flora wasn’t seen for 3 days (24-26 July) but is thankfully back and providing for the nest. 

#1 has been taking fish off the nest to eat since 17 July (58 days old) so I am expecting this juvenile to be the first to begin migration but who knows! It’s still a few weeks away so hopefully the fish supply will include a few big ones to fatten these young ospreys up for their long journeys ahead. 

Today, 1 August,  the juveniles are 72, 70 and 68 days old. 

The family at the beginning of the month

and now the three juveniles

Flora and Harry delivering fish

All captures and videos ©️ SSEN Transmission

  • I’ve not seen #1 since the back of 8 this morning. #2 and #3 have been the only two going for fish deliveries.
    They now both seem to want dominance of the nest, especially if #1 isn’t around.

    18.37 #2 and #3 had an altercation.

    One was settled on the nest. Suddenly it got up agitated, flapping and calling. Another flew to the nest.

    The first one stood tall screaming and flapping to deter the other landing.

    The second one kept coming so the first hurtled up with talons in the air

    They got locked onto each other

    They lay for a few seconds then tried to separate

    Only one direction to go

    I think it was #2 on the nest with #3 attacking but my images aren’t sharp enough for me to be sure. 

  • 18.41 Four minutes later #2 flew back to the nest

    She gave herself a shake and a wing flap and seemed okay.

    18.46 Five minutes after that Harry arrived with a small fish.

    #2 dived on the fish at speed. 

    No other Osprey appeared and #2 enjoyed the fish to herself. 

    18.59 The last piece being swallowed.

  • #2 has been the only bird around the nest since the incident.

    We’ll see what tomorrow brings.
  • Morning Glider,

    Goodness, what on earth is happening here? Fantastic captures of the 'altercation' - well done! Clap  Hopefully both #1 and #3 are seen today!

  • Saturday 5 August
    Good morning Sandra, yes this nest is a bit crazy. I never know what’s going to happen next!

    I’ve only seen one juvenile on the nest at any one time this morning but I have heard calling in the distance from another.
  • These are some snaps of visits to the nest this morning. (It hasn’t been one long continuous visit)

    04.39 Someone arrives early to the nest


    07.01 It looks like #3 but I’m not 100% with not seeing all of the wing pattern. 

    08.32 He is calling and there is a response from a distance.

    It does look like #3 

    09.12 He has settled down in the centre of the nest.

  • I haven’t seen Flora since Tuesday 1 August when she delivered a fish at 17.29.

    Last year she was seen at the nest on 3 August with no reports after that however, the nest wasn’t being closely monitored then and reports were often many days apart.

    So she may be an early migrator or perhaps having a few days to herself again. Time will tell!
  • Harry delivered a flatfish at 13.59

    Two birds raced to the nest, #3 was second in getting there.

    On the live chat there was debate as to who is missing, it might be #2.

    #1’s behaviours have changed over the last few days, being more aggressive, claiming most of the fish, I’ve got confused thinking it was #2! Sorry!! 

    As Harry landed, #3 turned away and didn’t challenge the other juvie for the fish.

    The juvenile went in so quickly for the fish, it nearly went over the side with it.

    It recovered and secured the fish.

  • 15.57 These two are still fighting over the nest. #3 was getting dive bombed when Harry arrived with another fish.

    #3 took the fish and was able to guard it and eat it all.

    16.17 Down goes the tail.

    16.19 #3 chased his sibling off the nest

    16.20 He was rewarded with getting dive bombed again.

  • 18.11 Another fish from Harry. There is only one juvie on the nest.

    18.13 #3 arrived on the nest just over a minute after the delivery.

    He was “greeted” by his sibling who then went back to resume eating the fish.

    I’m not going to name the second bird until I am sure who it is!