Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 July 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful, joyful week. 

I also hope LIMPY, LYNETTE, and HARELADY'S brother are recovering. 

Best wishes to everyone. 

I walked down my driveway lane this week and heard a noise beside me. I turned to see a big yearling buck white-tailed deer. He was beautiful! He bolted into the woods.

  • Sending regards and thanks to all. I'm up to date with your news and hope that DIANE is OK.
    Latest news ( worry) here is that I'm going to be a great granny but the couple are no longer together but hope to ' co-parent'. Oh dear....
  • Heather B said:
    Latest news ( worry) here is that I'm going to be a great granny but the couple are no longer together but hope to ' co-parent'.

    Congratulations!  Co-parenting can work better than traditional parenting if the parents no longer get on.  That's a lot of domestic stress the baby won't have to tiptoe around as he/she gets older.  Sadly I know that from bitter experience.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Heather: Life is full of surprises. How old are the parents-to-be? Solo parenting is hard; good that they have the best intentions. Don't worry about it too much; there's nothing you can do anyway. Take care.
  • Congrats, Heather. It may be a slightly unconventional situation, but the babe will surely be much loved by all.

    Jill & Everyone - I have a prodder thingy but can only type very slowly with it. When I began on these threads, I always used a desktop as I can go like the wind, having been a typist in my former life. Then I bought a tablet, as my OH sulked if I was in another room for ages. Then my tablet started playing up sometimes when I was trying to post, particilarly on this Site!!

    So when I got a smartphone I began writing on it. During my illness phase, about 2 years ago, I could see double when reading & writing on it, plus my right eye hurt as if I'd been punched! So you can see that I've been very determined to stay in touch.... Nowadays things are much better, I'm glad to say, so you'll still be hearing from me!!
  • Well, that was a good one.... I wrote that I'd read recently that there is now a medical term (although I don't know it) for sore thumbs from typing/texting. I use my index finger. My sons both use their thumbs. Which incidentally, is the only bit of my message which posted!!!

  • Rusty - Good re the mended lawnmower. No excuse not to mow once it dries up a bit!

    Annette- really?! Stolen baskets !!!

    Now I've forgotten what else I was going to comment on. Nothing new!

    Just used the new iron again & am very pleased with it, as  I said, but alas, they've been mean with the enthusiasm of the cord

    Just come back after a pause, to find that the "length of the cord" has been changed to enthusiasm!!!!!!!!! LOL!!