Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 July 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful, joyful week. 

I also hope LIMPY, LYNETTE, and HARELADY'S brother are recovering. 

Best wishes to everyone. 

I walked down my driveway lane this week and heard a noise beside me. I turned to see a big yearling buck white-tailed deer. He was beautiful! He bolted into the woods.

  • Lindybird said:
    I unugged it quickly.

    Brilliant typo.  Sounds like you mugged it!

    Lindybird said:
    Yesterday went to buy another iron. Before I left, I Iooked at them online. I picked one out, but of course when I got to the shop, they didn't have that one in stock. Tried the "feel" of those out on display- some of them were really heavy, so I was glad I hadn't bought one unseen.

    Some things you really need to shop for in person.  It's amazing how many things look so easy to manage online - you try picking one up and it turns out they designed it with Arnie in mind.

    Lindybird said:
    Tried out the iron I just bought, this afternoon - very pleased with it, it's better than the old one!!

    Yay!  Fingers crossed it lasts for donkey's years.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning. Drizzly here, after waking us with sunshine!

    Clare, LOL! It must have missed my review. I have to retype almost everything I put on here, since I began using my tiny screen on my mobile phone. I have big hands & sausage fingers so most things come out with typos -- add to that the stupid predictive text thing & the spellchecker thing, and it's a disaster. Also my eyes are not what they were. Subsequently every single message I type is very laborious. I can't do it when tired. At least it restricts the amount of posts I put on!! or I'd be warbling on forever.
  • Lindybird said:
    I have big hands & sausage fingers

    So does Limpy.  Mobile keypads weren't exactly designed with this in mind.  The bloody predictive text is a nightmare!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lindybird said:

    I'd substitute 'glass of wine' for 'plate of sausages'.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I am having a break from working through my long list of post holiday jobs! Actually, I have to wait for the grass to dry out as it rained a bit in the night. The good news is that I was able to collect my newly repaired lawnmower yesterday. Not too expensive fortunately.
    I will reply to the latest news here then come back later to begin a bit of a holiday report. I will warn you now, there will be no bird photos!! I don’t have a camera like Clare’s or her talent either. So it will be views only!!!!
    Clare - I agree re mobile keypads. I post here using my iPad. I was sending a WhatsApp just now on my phone and saying how we called at Welney on the way home and it put Wendy!!!!!!! I can sympathise with you Lindy and admire your perseverance to keep posting on your phone. Glad you are happy with your new iron.
    Harelady - congratulations on your retirement after a very long career. I do hope you enjoy being able to do what you want to do now.
    Diane - I was very upset to read about the disturbance to you and your critters. It’s awful. No wonder your hawk looked confused. I hope the heat dome has now left you.
    OG - good to read that the physio is pleased with your walking progress. Excellent news. Glad you had one shopping trip which you enjoyed and was successful. I can empathise with you re Tesco. It is my local supermarket. I took my neighbour yesterday as she can’t drive. Coming home we both commented that there were several items (just ordinary things like a jar of beetroot for example) which they hadn’t got. Also, not good news re your workmen. Why can’t they just get things right the first time? No wonder you weren’t happy.
  • For those with sausage fingers (I include myself in this) I recommend a stylus. I buy mine from Poundland, £1.50 for 2. I'm sure other stationers also sell them. It makes phone use so much easier; without mine I can't even enter the password on my phone!
  • rusty2 said:
    I post here using my iPad.

    I post on a computer with a proper, separate keyboard.  Sheer luxury - and I don't have sausage fingers.

    In November it'll be 6 years since I visited Welney - really must get back there this autumn.  It's the only place I've seen both house and tree sparrows.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Yes Clare, there were tree sparrows. Gorgeous little things. We don’t have them “out west”!!! I watched them for ages. Also, as we were walking over the bridge to the reserve, 4 common cranes flew in. We got them in the scope once we got to the hide. How lucky were we?
  • Morning all:

    OG: I went into Target yesterday and was told they had ordered more handbaskets as people were stealing them! (Full of items no doubt.) No security gates yet though.... Hope the window job gets finished properly sooner than later. Nice news from the PT person - keep up the good work.

    Lindybird: When I was very young, my Mum used to heat the iron on the stove. Good Lord! And she ironed the sheets too. What a life.... and she had a full-time job! Plastic screens have disappeared from most stores here. I think mobile key pads were invented by a sadist. My niece sent a message about my BiL and 'Sadie' kept popping up, which had me wondering what he was up to, but it was another example of predictive text/tiny keypad. Could cause serious misunderstandings in some cases! :-) Like Clare, I use my laptop as much as possible.

    Jill: I had a stylus way back - but kept losing it. As it is, I use just one finger to text (and do it as little as possible); am fascinated watching folks who can zip along with just two thumbs. (I suspect we'll be hearing about "text thumb syndrome" in a few years......)

    Rusty: Looking forward to the views. :-)

    Take care everyone.