Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 July 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful, joyful week. 

I also hope LIMPY, LYNETTE, and HARELADY'S brother are recovering. 

Best wishes to everyone. 

I walked down my driveway lane this week and heard a noise beside me. I turned to see a big yearling buck white-tailed deer. He was beautiful! He bolted into the woods.

  • Unknown said:
    I've been listening to pile-driving and other loud construction all summer.

    Oh, blimey.  You have my sympathy there.  Some years ago there was a major expansion of the local docks here and you could hear the repeated crashing of the piling work all over the town.

    Unknown said:
    R.T. and his mate were very distressed by it all, and they stayed in the flood plain near the nesting site this year, although R.T. did sit in a tree near the site and watch the initial demolition. He looked at me forlornly, as if he was imploring me to stop the noise.

    That is heartbreaking.  Especially as you're the only human he feels able to approach.

    Unknown said:
    Now, he's bringing in local rock bands to loudly play on an outdoor stage on weekends until 11:00.

    Ironically that would be right up my street ....... but Limpy would hate it with a passion!  I can imagine the effect on the wildlife.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Successful shopping trips for us and for J yesterday, but I think he did too much - stayed home with a very bad head today. No problem for the holiday club as he is in a team of three. Greengrocer was especially good with brilliant choices for fruit and veg. We bought a box of cheap tomatoes "for soup". We have some lovely home-made passata in the freezer now!

    DIANE sorry about the noise disruption to your quiet country life!

    Have I mentioned that a physiotherapist contacted me and came for thefirst time last week? He was pleased with my walking progress today and I shall get weekly visits at home for a while!

    Getting late, so no more replies tonight - bestwishes to all.
  • Unknown said:
    Have I mentioned that a physiotherapist contacted me and came for thefirst time last week? He was pleased with my walking progress today and I shall get weekly visits at home for a while!

    That's great to hear - well done!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good morning, all. We've actually got a bit of sunshine today - let's hope it lasts as I've just put some washing out (including towels, eek!). We don't own a tumble drier as we all vastly prefer line drying - and it's far better cost-wise.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I am home. Absolutely shattered but in a good way!!! Will reply to everyone’s news and write a short report about my holiday in the next few days. Meanwhile I have a long list of jobs to get through. Isn’t it always the same when you get back from holiday?
  • Very quiet on here today!

    I went to Tesco with E-E this afternoon - wish I hadn't bothered! I was shocked at the state of the place, and the covid screens and new security gates at the checkout made me flip - claustrophobia felt like trying to find the way out of prison.

    Man came this morning to "finish" the window job - actually bits and bobs to do with doors. He only had the parts for half what was needed. We are not happy!
  • I've been busy. On Wednesday I made an inroad into the pile in the ironing basket. After only 10 minutes, the iron suddenly began to steam madly, Then there was a terrible smell of burning, but it wasn't the laundry, it was the iron. I unugged it quickly. It had overheated and began to combust!

    Yesterday went to buy another iron. Before I left, I Iooked at them online. I picked one out, but of course when I got to the shop, they didn't have that one in stock. Tried the "feel" of those out on display- some of them were really heavy, so I was glad I hadn't bought one unseen.

    Tried out the iron I just bought, this afternoon - very pleased with it, it's better than the old one!! So a happy ending, except for our bank balance, having just bought a new w. machine & not long ago paid for the shower fixing.

    Its been dry here today after a showery week. Diane, sorry to hear you're back to suffering in the heat. The poor wildlife sound as if they've all had a bad time of it. You, too. I'm sorry you have had all that disturbance: I remember you mentioning the new roadworks. Darn.
  • OG - You posted whilst I was writing. Yes, shops are never going to be the same now- most of the supermarkets have kept the plastic screens they installed during the pandemic. I read yesterday that shoplifting is rife since the cost of living crisis, so security is being tightened.
  • Rusty - Glad you're home OK. Looking forward to hearing about your interesting trip.
  • Evening all Busy day here. Hope everyone is okay; will try to catch up tomorrow (Saturday - again!!!??!)