Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 July 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful, joyful week. 

I also hope LIMPY, LYNETTE, and HARELADY'S brother are recovering. 

Best wishes to everyone. 

I walked down my driveway lane this week and heard a noise beside me. I turned to see a big yearling buck white-tailed deer. He was beautiful! He bolted into the woods.

  • Clare: Mobility scooters not allowed on the roads at all here; besides pedestrians are much easier targets. :-)
  • Hope Rusty has a good birding trip & we get to hear all about it, later.

    OG Well done to the two of you for getting the magazine out. Glad that J is enjoying helping out at the holiday club.

    AQ -- We have similar problems with teens stealing cars, then wrapping them around trees, often with fatal consequences. So awful for their families.

    Sunny here but still quite chilly for July. I'm off to get shouted at by my hairdresser - she's very vocal! Have a good day, everyone
  • These are opening & are a wonderfully vivid colour.

  • Yes, my agapanthus are great this year - such a wonderful colour. They blend well with my lace-cap hydrangea, which is doing really well this year. Glad something likes the weather! The sweet peas, which are in troughs up against a wall, were doing well until the night before last, when some marauding squirrel decided to dig them up, together with a couple of pots of antirrhinums (why do plants have such difficult names?!?!? - I blame their Latin roots!). I'm hoping something will still flower, but not very confident. It's lovely having wildlife here - but I wish they would keep to their own areas and respect ours.
  • My brother tells me that a fox has taken up residence in his garden. He appears to be quite calm about M. Reynard ( I think that is the nickname for foxes over there). I don't think that I would be calm. It is a jolly good job that they no longer keep chickens....
  • My brother tells me that a fox has taken up residence in his garden. He appears to be quite calm about M. Reynard ( I think that is the nickname for foxes over there). I don't think that I would be calm. It is a jolly good job that they no longer keep chickens....
  • Heather - We have lots of foxes here - but no chickens, and plenty of room. It's great to see them frolicking around early in the morning or at dusk, but they make themselves scarce during the day. They don't cause a lot of damage here, but I certainly wouldn't want them in a small garden.
  • How can I lurk if no-one is posting <BIG GRIN>
  • AQ: What? Hallo? I'm here - but was working in the garden all day; in fact, most of the week.. Got LOTS done. Yay. Even made an appt to have windows cleaned and another to get quote on tree pruning - plus organized coffee catch up with friend for next week.

    Have yoga tonight, but have recorded the U.S. Women's soccer team game against the Netherlands for after.

    Take care everyone.
  • ANNETTE - Phew! I'm not alone!
    I am just back from collecting my "fix" - 9 library books. Maybe they will last me 3 weeks? There has been nothing worth watching on TV for 3 days this week. Cor blimey, it's nearly lunchtime. I'd better view the fridge for something to put in sandwiches.