Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 July 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful, joyful week. 

I also hope LIMPY, LYNETTE, and HARELADY'S brother are recovering. 

Best wishes to everyone. 

I walked down my driveway lane this week and heard a noise beside me. I turned to see a big yearling buck white-tailed deer. He was beautiful! He bolted into the woods.

  • Hi! Magazine finished - just need to proof read tomorrow; (needs to "soak" overnight while my brain refreshes itself). Why did MSoft have to make software changes while I wasn't doing it? I had a few surprises with changes in converting applications and so on!

    Thanks, DIANE for the new week. How heartwarmimg for you to see the young buck - was he around as a baby last year - I know you have had twins in the past?

    AQ - lucky you, to get appt for dentist Monday - so different from poor LIMPY's experience!

    HARELADY - sorry to read about your brother. Congrats on your retirement!

    LYNETTE - surprised to read the diagnosis, as I thought you were told that about two years ago - I must have beeen confused. I hope the treatment will be helpful.

    J is going to be out helping with Churches Together Holiday Club this week, so we shall have time without him! Would be good if we can do some gardening, but forecast is disappointing again - although E-E did mow on Friday.
  • OG – We have to go private for any dental work or wait years, or longer. A dentist is a necessary expense that we do not think twice about. My tooth problem was not as serious as I feared; the gum has receded, exposing the root. A little bit of “plastering” and all should be well. . . except for the pain of the cost.

    Sensible bedtimes from now on. I watched a little of the Femmes Tour de France last night but the same commentary & the same adverts were discouraging. Also the telecast only begins at 11 pm. I must find a library sometime this week to replenish my reading pile. I completed 3 beanies during the men’s Tour.

  • Week has started with a sunny and dry morning - and another tomorrow if forecast is to be believed! Done my share of proof reading - first typos I found were in the editor page which I wrote to myself!

    Where is everyone today?
  • Hello -- I've been absent as packing up and then travelling home again today, having left our holiday home ready for our family to enjoy next week.

    It seems to take longer each time we pack, & clean round before leaving-- or is it just me getting slower? We brought a lot of things home with us as wanted to leave plenty of space for them now that there are 3 grandchildren racketing around. So a very full car on our return - some of which will have to go back again.

    The garden has changed even though we only left it last Thursday. Lots of things are coming to an end which are early summer, but there are newer ones opening.
  • ANNETTE - I googled the tree, it looks lovely ! But it grows to 30 feet?
  • Heather: Tecoma Stans - at least here - is a shrub that maxes out at 15'-20' but it's easily trained to be a small tree.

    OG: I really understand letting words "soak" overnight. When I was freelancing I did that and often made significant changes the next morning that weren't obvious the night before. While an employee at one magazine, my first 'big' solo project was marred by a typo in the headline, which I'd made all by myself - and proofread too before it went to the printers! So embarrassing. :-((

    AQ: You have to be really low-income here to get free dental and then you never know quite what you're getting. Meanwhile, hope the repair isn't too painful when it comes to paying.

    Lindybird; Hope the family leaves the place as clean as they find it - and that you had a good ride home.
  • OG = I always like to “sleep on” my words. I even type this in Word, read & correct, before I post.

    LINDA – Welcome home. Too bad you have missed some of your blooms.

    ANNETTE – Since you are still posting, I assume that you are not the big lottery winner.

    My eyes checked & passed for drivers licence. Now for a visit to GP to advise I don’t have various ailments (fits, etc) and then I can return the form to authorities. Why don’t they check hoon drivers? Silly me, of course, hoons don’t even bother getting a licence!

    Lovely sunny winters day. Some more weeds cleared. Supposed to be sunny again tomorrow.

  • Good Morning. A bit damp & grey here

    Annette - Yes, our son is very good & cleans as best he can before they leave. We're glad they can take advantage of a holiday by the sea especially whilst the children are at an age to enjoy buckets & spades, and fishing for crabs. (They put them back again!). Sometimes I find bits of Lego behind the cushions, later!

    AQ - Good that you passed the test OK. Here, we're supposed to self certify & sign our form that we're fit to drive!! It's ridiculous really as a few people are on the roads who shouldn't be.....

    Was sad to hear that Tony Bennett had died, but he had a good innings. What a beautiful voice and such good versions of the classic songs.
  • aquilareen said:
    Why don’t they check hoon drivers?

    I had to Google this!  They are boy racers here and just as much of a pain in the ***.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.