Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 July 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful, joyful week. 

I also hope LIMPY, LYNETTE, and HARELADY'S brother are recovering. 

Best wishes to everyone. 

I walked down my driveway lane this week and heard a noise beside me. I turned to see a big yearling buck white-tailed deer. He was beautiful! He bolted into the woods.

  • What nice neighbors you have on your patch. Thank you for starting us off. And yes, I was wondering how Limpy was doing with the antibiotics and if Harelady's bro is doing any better.

    Planted two Tecoma stans today (a special price at the Home Depot). It was exhausting - and I didn't even have to dig the holes which were done by the landscape crew (I mean, you can't mess up digging a hole can you?) The guys were by here again this morning seem to have finished up finally). Meanwhile, the Tecoma has bright yellow flowers that smell like honey; in fact a couple of bees were busy on the blooms while I was working.

    Have a good Sunday everyone.
  • DIANE - Thank you for starting a new week.

    I have been lurking but reading and thinking of you ALL. I hope those unwell, those with problems are finding much better. Well done to g-chn for their achievements (good genes methinks). Good luck with church mag, gardens, golf, walks. . . as appropriate.

    Days here are too short. . . or are some missing? OH had his Podiatry to cut his toenails. I sat with to answer the inevitable questions which he muddles. Now my tooth has developed sensitivity to hot, cold, certain foods so I have an appt Monday. That tooth has been a problem in the past, so I hope it is not past its use-by date. Then Tues is an eye check, with later GP check to complete the annual requirement that I am still fit to drive in my old age.

    Yesterday Dau#1 took OH out for a pizza lunch. I delayed my post-lunch nap to photo a large number of ancient photos without interruption. These to be inserted in family history saga (which is progressing at a snail pace). I finished that & I was just thinking what else can I do while alone. . . and they returned. Botheration. Then OH decided to go for his daily walk. Ten minutes later the heavens opened and it poured. He came home soaked through, I peeled off his clothes, stood him in front of heater, eventually he donned pjs and sat to snooze.

    This afternoon, last day of school holidays, Dau#2 & appendages visited us. They have been busy with various activities last 2 weeks & looking forward to school tomorrow.

  • Well, my three picks will start the final day of The Open at 69th, 11th and 4th, so don't think I'll be a winner - again! In all the years our group has been making our picks for all the majors, I've only ever picked the winner once!! I'll be watching anyway ... and hoping the weather at Old Trafford improves and we can get a result in the Test Match. So much going on.

    Thank you, Diane, and particularly for telling us about your visitor. How wonderful! We have deer here, but most people curse them. They have developed an appetite for all sorts of plants and creep around in the dark treating our gardens like a delicatessan. Roses and begonias seem to be dish of the day at the moment, but they don't turn their noses up at any young plant shoots, it seems. Yesterday my friend not only found they had nibbled lots of young shoots overnight, but also left a very large calling card, which she had to clear up!
  • Happy Sunday from a very soggy Suffolk. It rained for most of yesterday and I think all night. I usually walk to Church but I may drive today.

    Diane - once again I love hearing about your area and especially the critters that visit.

    Heather - what great results for your Grandchildren - they must have both worked very hard and you are right to be proud.

    Clare & Limpy - I hope the ABs have killed the infection and you can get some proper treatment for your tooth.

    My poor brother is still in hospital, still on intavenous ABs - I hope to get more info tomorrow after the Consultant has been to see him. My Sister is in Yorkshire now for 5 days to help our Sister in Law get to the hospital once a day. Then their Son, who is currently still at sea near Tobago should be home for 6 weeks and will be there to help when my Brother hopefully gets discharged.

    Well Thursday next week will be my last day at work as after 52 years, in almost continuous employment, apart from having the Children, I am retiring, at least for a few months. I have enjoyed my last 4 years at my small firm, just 5 of us but it worked very well.

    To all that have ailments or problems, I hope they soon pass. Have a good week all.

  • Good morning, all. Limpy has finished his course of antibiotics and is much more comfortable. We still need to find a dentist to pull out the rest of that tooth, though. That'll be fun!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Congratulations on your retirement! I hope you enjoy every day of it for years to come!!
  • I'm so sorry to read that Limpy , Lynette and Harelady's brother have been poorly. I echo your hopes that they are speedily recovering .

    What a sight to see Diane ! I'm sure he was indeed beautiful  - wish I could have seen him too.

  • Well, I obviously can't pick winners. Good job I don't gamble! My picks for The Open finished 71st, 10th and 6th. At least two of them were first and second at the Scottish Open last week! I felt really sorry for them out in that weather today. And such a shame they couldn't play the Test Match to a finish ... it's been quite a sporting weekend.

    I do hope Limpy manages to find a dentist to take out the rest of his tooth. And that all those who are struggling with health issues improve soon.
  • Thanks to Diane for starting us off again - what a treat to be so close to nature!

    Hope that Limpy can find a dentist now. It's been in the News lately about the dreadful state of affairs regarding dentistry. Grrr.

    Harelady -- You will feel strange after Thursday! A long time working to look back on. Enjoy your retirement.

    AQ - Shame you got such a short time to potter on your own.

  • Quote:

    You can teach people knowledge, but wisdom has to be learned through experience.