Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 July 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Love to all.

  • Clare - so sorry Limpy is in constant pain and that is a long list of drugs to take, which no doubt all have their side effects. I hope he gets help soon.

    I am off to SE London this morning to Son and family to babysit. My DIL is doing  a 10k charty run for Cancer Research tomorrow and my son is working.

    Home Sunday. Brother still in hospital and still having intravenous antibiotics - and has been told it will probably be another 2 weeks. At least he is not getting worse.

    Have a good weekend all

  • Harelady -- Good that your poor brother is no worse. Good Luck to your DiL on her 10k run.

    Annette - On our breakfast TV today they had a woman rattling a pot with about 8 of her teeth which she had pulled out herself with pliers! Needless to say, her smile made me turn away in horror. Many sad tales- some people have travelled hundreds of miles for a dentist, in desperation. Its a disgrace.

    Raining here. Off to visit Sue, who has had the decorators in, & wants us to admire. Have a good Friday everyone (& enjoy the tennis!)
  • Lindy - I will be watching golf not tennis!!! Lol!!!
    Clare - I just keep thinking about Limpy. It is a terrible situation to be in in this century in this country. I hope you get some luck when you ring the emergency line tomorrow.
    OG - I am pleased that you like your windows but annoyed for you re your wi fi. It makes you realise how much we use it when it is not working doesn’t it? Hope J is feeling better.
    Harelady - good to hear that your brother is stable.
    I had a nice outing to Burton Mere Wetlands yesterday with a group of people. Lots of birds to see and a very pleasant walk too. Lunch at a cafe down on the Dee Estuary.
    The rain is here now so that has scuppered my plans to cut the grass!!! What a shame she says!!!!!!
  • Rusty - I'll be flicking between tennis and golf. It's feast or famine with sport on television ... Hope you manage to get the grass cut between shots.

    I was supposed to be playing in the annual Captains' Salver (for past captains) tomorrow, but pulled out a few weeks ago due to lack of time. The forecast tomorrow is for unseasonably high winds - there's even a warning of gusts up to 80mph. Do I regret not playing? I don't think so ... I haven't hit a ball for quite a while and I think trying to remain standing and playing sensible shots would be neither fun nor pretty!!
  • A quote:

    "We are always getting ready to live, but never living"

    Ralph Waldo Emerson.

  • Unknown said:
    Clare: Any luck getting Limpy to a dentist?

    Not yet.  I'm hopeful for the weekend as the NHS 111 service are able to sort out emergency appointments at the weekend - they can't in the week.  We did toy with the idea of taking him to A & E but they'd just pump him full of morphine and send him home again.  Pointless.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare: I really hope the 111 service can help. It's sort of shocking they can't organize emergency appts during the week.

    I watched Djokovic win this morning, then was out the rest of the day. Now I'm watching Alcaraz and Medvedev - The former shouts when he hits the ball.... sigh. Where's the mute button.....
  • CLARE - I do hope that LIMPY will get some help today. Our ' marvellous NHS' ? Ha.....
  • Lindy - that has just made me chuckle!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have been wondering and hoping if, this morning, Limpy has been able to get an emergency dental appointment. I do hope so.

    I have a rather pleasant day in store! I plan to watch the golf all morning, read my RSPB magazine this afternoon and cook a chicken dinner. I have just had a 30 minute potter in the garden and have cut these sweet peas which I am sending to brighten up people’s day.