WEEKLY CHAT (Non-Osprey) Sunday July 2, 2023


Family here.....it's pizza tonight.

  • LINDY My nieces live in the Central belt so not on our doorstep. We have a relationship of sorts but not a close one. Think I was a little upset that they didn't even send a facebook message to OH on his birthday at the weekend. It won't stop us sending our wishes to them. They have their own lives.
  • Well, that's true, Dibnlib. I have old friends who don't send me birthday wishes even though I never forget theirs!! But we have to leave people to get on with things. Maybe later, they will look back with regret.

    It's been very rainy here but at least the electrician came this morning. One of the frustrating things this weekend has been that the shower "died" on me on Friday when I was washing my hair. Not rinsed it in a basin for many years!! We have another shower but it's over the bath in the main bathroom, and I couldn't climb in, as my knees wouldn't hold me up. So a quick wash & sponge over until Sunday morning, when I felt stronger but then a very scary climb in & out with my OH holding onto me.

    Now fixed at last - it was the main switch thing which has failed us in the past.

    Edit:  My knees are much better, and improving all the time now that the swelling has gone down. My other, arthritic knee, wasn't impressed that I had come to rely on it so much and has rewarded me by aching. I hate getting old!

  • Lindy - that get together sounds like a really good idea and I am so pleased it was such a success. Glad you got your shower fixed and that your knee is getting better. I chuckled at the photo!
    I have been to Chester Zoo today with a couple of friends. It was pouring down and we got soaked just walking to the nearest coffee shop!! We did see the baby anteater on the way though which was one of the reasons for going. After coffee, we tried unsuccessfully to dodge from sheltered spot to sheltered spot until we reached the nice Bistro in the middle of the zoo where we had an excellent lunch. The sun then came out and we had a pleasant stroll round for an hour before coming home.
    Tomorrow evening I am going with the same couple to the Mystery Plays in Chester Cathedral. We are eating out in Chester beforehand. I went to the York Mystery plays years ago but have never been to the Chester ones.
  • Oh Rusty - I'm green with envy! I would really love to see the Chester Mystery Plays. I live too far away and although I have been to Chester several times, never at the same time as the Plays! One day ... maybe. I'm sure you'll tell us about them here!

    Lindy - I have frequently lain on floors to get pictures of ceilings, but never been accosted by feathered friends. I have usually been bombarded by other cameras and ended up taking photographs for anyone in the vicinity! Not sure I could do it now - I could get down there, but doubt I could get up again!
  • Ta-Da! My cardigan is finished.  I visited the Button Bar this morn and after a very long study of the wall of buttons, I found what I wanted. It was freezy waiting at the bus stop to come home. . . until the sun appeared from behind a tall building. Some odd people on our buses. A man got on, didn’t validate a ticket and walked directly to back of bus. Driver called him back. He was saying something about not being in the mood. She said he had to tell her when he got on, still didn’t pay or validate. He sat down muttering to himself. He changed seats. He asked a woman for the time, then he asked “Do you know where you are?” I was feeling a little concerned as only yesterday in another suburb, a driver was bashed for no reason and police were called.

    This afternoon a short session weeding the wee garden along the drive. A few snowflakes trying to flower and one yellow jonquil. How do I tell them they are much too early, it’s midst of winter?

    [Little later] OH interrupted having lost his glasses. I found one pair on his desk and other on dining table, both where they usually are. <sigh> I forget what other waffle I was to share.

  • Good Morning. The sun is out here today, Yay! It can stop raining now, for a bit, as the garden has had a good drink over the last few days.

    Glad you got the buttons sorted, and onto the cardigan, AQ. Shame you got cold waiting for your bus. My OH is forever asking where things are when they are virtually under his nose. When my knee was not co operating, I asked him to bring me a mirror "The one on the wall in the kitchen, by the door to the garage" He looked mystified but did come back to me with it. "How long has that been hanging there?" he asked. I stared at him, as he passes right next to it about 20 times a day -- answer "About 17 years!"
  • I forgot to explain how I get up & down the stairs. The 1st day after I fell, it was difficult & my OH had to pull me up, and then descend on front of me as I clung to his shoulders. Since then, I managed by using my hands on the stair treads and climbing monkey fashion. Coming down I am grateful that my OH put an extra rail on the other side of the narrow stairway a couple of years ago, when I began to have arthritic knees. I cling to both and descend one step at a time.
  • Rusty, your trips to the Zoo sound fun. We took our sons to Chester years ago & my OHs nieces, too. Its well run or at least it was, then, although increasingly I don't like animals in captivity unless they are rescued ones who can't be returned to the wild.

    I hope that Diane is alright and just suffering from power problems after their recent bad weather.
  • Blimey Lindy. Your efforts at getting up and down the stairs impressed me. I hope it is getting easier now.
    I agree with you re keeping animals in captivity. Chester Zoo are very hot on conservation and preservation of species which are in danger of extinction in the wild. They do keep their animals in excellent habitats and they look happy enough. I very much enjoy the plants too. They have moved away from the formal beds they had years ago and have super shrubs, grasses, bushes and trees which reflect the area of the world the animals nearby come from. Chester Zoo is also a place where I can go and walk round on my own quiet happily and safely. I am a member so go at least once a month (except in school holidays!!!)
    AQ well done for finishing your cardigan and I am glad you got buttons which suited. Rather worrying about the passenger on the bus though.
    I am off to cut the grass before lunch now.