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LJ2 returned 31 March 2023

LM6 returned 4 April 2023

Egg No. 1 laid 20 April - Hatched 27 May (37 days)

Egg No. 2 laid 23 April - Hatched 29 May (36 days)

Egg No. 3 laid 26 April - Hatched 1 June  (37 days) Sadly, this little chick died on 3rd June. It coincided with LJ2 having a leg injury and unable to fish at the time. I don’t know if this was the sole reason, part of the reason or something else. RIP little one Purple heart

The family of 5 for a couple of days. Bob 3, RIP, in between #1 and #2 

Four weeks later, our two thriving youngsters, #1 and #2   (36 and 34 days as at  01/07/23)

All captures and videos ©️ NWWT, Welsh Water, Brenig Osprey Project

  • Wish I could bump into either of you ! unlikely this year but at least I have the online cams. Thanks for the observations

  • Unknown said:
    I was fortunate to be the duty volunteer in the hide at Llyn Brenig this afternoon. There was a sustained intrusion by a young pair of ospreys over about 45 minutes. Fascinating and exciting to watch. Identities of the intruders tbc.

    Oh wow AG, that must’ve been incredible. I had no idea it was a pair of ospreys intruding. Thanks for sharing.

  • Unknown said:
    Nice to bump into you briefly yesterday, AG! One of the intruders had left when we were in the hide, but the other (our very own female from Poole, 372) remained for a little while. This prompted some ‘bonding’ behaviour in the resident pair, and then LJ2 did some skydancing high above the nest, which was a surprise, but lovely to see.

    How amazing you were both there at the same time and for one of the intruders to be a Poole bird Alison, how appropriate that you could keep an eye on her! 
    I heard brief skydancing when I was scrolling back then when I tried to work out the time, as usual when my finger leaves the slider, it jumps and I couldn’t find the skydancing again so left it out. 
    Nice that our couple here were ‘bonding’ staying committed to each other and the nest. 

    If either of you are back at the centre, is there anyone you could ask about a clock on screen, that would help soooo much thanks. Hugging

  • Monday 3 July

    We wake up to a dreich morning as daycam comes on at 04.23.

  • 04.43 LJ2 visits the nest. LM6 gives him her breakfast order

    LJ2 leaves. Chicks get up for a stretch

  • 06.18 the sun breaks through

    07.55 LJ2 arrives with a freshly caught fish 

    Both adults stop to look at something

    LJ2 sets off to give chase. It’s one of the local crows.

    LM6 begins the feed. It’s another blocked view feed.

    Oh, part of a chick is revealed

    looks like the chick to the right is lying down now

    The other chick can be seen now too.

    then hidden again.

    Looks like the feed finished around 08.20. LM6 May have given one of the chicks the tail.

  • 08.26 LM6 nips off to the preening perch to join LJ2.

    The chicks are snuggled into each other on the nest.

  • 08.36 LM6 returns to the nest

    followed by LJ2 at 08.40

    LJ2 leaves a couple of minutes later and LM6 tries to shelter the chicks from the weather.

  • The rain continues and by 09.50 it is very heavy.

  • By around 10.40 the rain seems to have stopped. It’s still very windy.

    10.47 LM6 gets up, has a shake then leaves.

    Aw, those wee wet chicks

    10.50 LM6 returns 

    She saw LJ2 coming

    and he arrives a few seconds later with a fine fish.

    One chick is getting fed whilst the other is more interested in looking at dad.

    Once LJ2 is gone, both chicks are involved in the feed.

    by 11.15 the rain has started again and getting heavier. 

    LM6 has another bite or two then stops to go to the chicks.