Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 June 2023


I hope everyone has a joyful, serene week.

I coughed loudly tonight near the window and a big Barred Owl hooted at me. I  don't know whether I  disturbed her or she was just answering me. LOL We are predicted to get heavy rain tomorrow, so the air should improve here.

Love to all.

  • Earlier interruption was for lunch – when OH is ready to move me to the dining room, I have to go!

    I intended to continue message to ANNETTE with commiserations on that awful day! So inconvenient, frustrating and painful for you. I hope your finger will heal quickly, and with no nasty side-effects. Glad the young ones are on their way.

    DIBNLIB – so glad that lorry driver is pleading guilty – couldn’t he have done that sooner and saved a lot of stress. Has he been driving on the roads since it happened?

    We spent the whole afternoon outside. I watched OH finish two jobs he had started earlier this week! One at the front – including planting a new shrub and sorting around it – the other at the back, tidying a mucky corner which also used up five bags of second-hand decorative chippings he had been saving “just in case”, thus tidying another corner! He is now out there watering as the thunder showers never materialised – we even had three short periods of sunshine.

    Just looked at the forecast – we "may?" get some rain tomorrow evening, so shall probably get to church in the morning – he has to go as he is reading. Service will be led by chaplain of the community hospital – usually good as she does things a bit differently.
  • dibnlib - What a relief for your friend. A very good thing the driver has pleaded guilty. And I agree with others - why couldn't he have done that two years ago? At least presumably she now won't have to appear in court.

    Annette - I wrote a long post this morning commiserating with you - but it vanished into the ether! So sorry you were bitten when you were trying to be a good doggy samaritan. Hope the antibiotics and the glass of wine did the trick, and that you won't have any after-effects. Typing with a finger in a splint can't be easy. And so pleased your purse was where you left it.

    Very hot and humid here this evening, although we did get a bit of rain this afternoon. We have a yellow thunderstorm warning for all day tomorrow. And I am out all day. I just hope it doesn't happen until the evening ... but unfortunately that's not what the forecast says.