Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 June 2023


The moon turns full Saturday night or very early Sunday morning in the UK and US. Sorry, AQ, I didn't look up Australia. This is the Strawberry Moon, the Mead Moon, or the Honey Moon, among other names.

It was 94F today here on my patch. That's 34C.

Here's info about this moon and other celestial/astrononomical events this month.

Everyone have a wonderful early summer week. Winter for AQ. Love to all!


  • Annette - Yes, it's 3.30am in UK, and - unable to sleep - I have been catching up. What has happened to the site over the past couple of days? Pathetically slow. We expect it on the first of the month, but not at other times.
  • Hi, all. I could access the community today, but couldn't open any threads. I probably just didn't wait long enough. I don't know, but I suspect there's been a security breach/cyber attack on the website or its host. I'm sure the tech folks are working hard to fix it. I was afraid I'd been banned. :-))).

    I hope you all are well. I'll try to start the new thread tomorrow, but if I can't start it, we can just continue using this one. I don't want to put any additional pressure on the already stressed tech folks. Take care all.
  • I struggled to get onto the site all day yesterday so this morning have just waited for the little wheel to go round and round and eventually I seem to be here. Trust everyone is OK. Going to be a hot one so I am popping into the garden now to tie up my sweet peas before it gets too much.
  • Good morning (Saturday). Can’t guess what happened to this site yesterday – just never connected, morning, afternoon or evening.

    RUSTY – I feel jealous – I love Tapas! Last enjoyed in Amble, Northumberland on what might have been our last holiday several years ago. It was a new place and just opening – they were having an event next night for official opening, but so many people had enquired that day, that they decided to open the evening before – supposedly a limited menu, but it satisfied us!

    LYNETTE – I hope your church will find a volunteer for secretary and soon be able to appoint a Minister. We have been without for a long time now, but our Interim Moderator is very good and encourages us to keep on going. Because of him, we are getting a student soon, for a six-month non-stipendiary placement!

    AQ – we had what threatened to be a storm in the night, but turned out it was only wind! (I mean the weather!) Good that your friend emailed and you can meet up again.

    DIANE – glad to see you finally made it onto the site – yes, it was quite disconcerting.

    I think E-E will get around to removing a couple of dead shrubs at the front this afternoon, so I shall sit out and watch. Quite breezy, but plenty of sunshine. Loads of Goldfinches (all ages) but I did see male Greenfinch exerting his authority on one of the feeders – great to have them around again, but he is such a bully!
  • Managed to get on with no trouble this morning. Back later.
  • I did a long reply to OG re tapas but it wouldn’t post. If this goes, I will try again tomorrow.
  • Hello Everyone! What a frustrating couple of days! 

    Here are more poppies which have appeared lately - we have five or six varieties now!

  • Spot the bees - there's more than one.

  • AQ -- we are now awaiting a storm, which has been promised for today. Everything went grey in the sky this afternoon, but although we heard thunder at one point, there's no rain yet. The garden needs it. I expect someone else has it.

    Nice that your friend contacted you and you can now catch up.

    I'm too tired for replies now after a very hot day here, followed by a glass of wine. More from me tomorrow.