Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 June 2023


The moon turns full Saturday night or very early Sunday morning in the UK and US. Sorry, AQ, I didn't look up Australia. This is the Strawberry Moon, the Mead Moon, or the Honey Moon, among other names.

It was 94F today here on my patch. That's 34C.

Here's info about this moon and other celestial/astrononomical events this month.

Everyone have a wonderful early summer week. Winter for AQ. Love to all!


  • Good morning all from a dull and chilly Suffolk. We have been promised a heatwave for days and there is a health alert for the weekend but I don't think the East will reach more than 22/23 degrees. Im fine with that as I have Son and family coming Friday evening and we will be at the beach on Saturday. Ive bought new buckets and spades as my ones were rather tatty.

    It will be approx 4 hours drive for them from SE London as getting through the Dartford Tunnel is always very slow on a Friday and with 2 little ones they will no doubt have to stop a few times.

    Thanks as always Diane for starting another week - I can't beleive its June already. Sorry to all in US getting affected by the Canadian fires - it must be horrible and such a loss of habitat.

    Rusty - your holiday to St Davids sounded great and that beach was beautiful. Glad you had a good time.

    Lindy - hope your break in Wales refreshed you both and Bonnie had a good if mucky time.

    OG - so good to read you have been out and about and that the chair has been fixed.

    Annette - Glad you enjoyed the flying visit even with the mud! Also loved your comment about the weather being like England without the guns!

    AQ - that was some storm hope the carpet has dried out ok.

    Heather - I hope all is good with you.

    To everyone I have missed - keep well and enjoy the rest of the week.

  • Hello, we're back home - arrived yesterday afternoon & when I opened the blinds I said "Oh!!" as some of the peonies had opened! 

  • So gorgeous!! Will write later, must get out to the shops now...

  • AQ – quite a storm for you the other night – do you get many like that?

    HARELADY – enjoy your beach weekend with the new buckets and spades – and the family, of course!

    LINDA – beautiful peonies! I do love them but stick to my rule of not planting things with short flowering season!

    We shall be mostly busy here at home today, except that OH did manage to book a slot at the tip this afternoon. J has gone out for breakfast and will call at the pharmacy for prescriptions. E-E had a reminder from optician this morning so I persuaded him to book an appt straight away – actually 27th June!
  • RUSTY I have kept forgetting to ask if your sister and Brother in Law really enjoyed the NC 500. I hope they didn't find it too busy. It isn't school holidays yet so probably a good time to do it.
  • Phew. Here I am at last!! What a busy couple of days.
    Dibnlib - my sis and b in law really enjoyed the NC500 despite the weather. I saw the photos of some very remote places. They chose that time of year because they thought it wouldn’t be so busy. They were fine although my b in law did comment that he wondered how it would be with the passing places and lots of camper vans etc. They enjoyed the wild scenery and the coastline. My b in law loved all the crab sandwiches. Sadly my sister is allergic to shellfish.
    I will come back and do more replies later. I have read all he posts and enjoyed all the news.
    Yesterday I played 18 holes of golf. I had a good front 9 and a poor back 9! So, inconsistent as usual! Enjoyable though and not too hot. I rushed home, grabbed a quick shower and went out to a local tapas bar with some friends. I have lived in this town for 43 years and had never been!! I thought it was just a wine bar but it isn’t. We had a most convivial time.
    This morning I went supermarket shopping and this afternoon I have given a talk (PowerPoint presentation) about my holiday to Portugal last autumn to the Armchair Travellers group of our local U3A. I enjoy preparing and doing things like that. I am Just having a cuppa and am then going out to do some badly needed watering.
    I have got to catch up on last night’s Springwatch before tonight’s comes on!!!!
  • Hello all. See that you have all been doing various things.
    Lindy - lovely that you managed to visit Glaslyn - we did a few years back and they are lovely people who are volunteering there.
    OG nice to hear that you are getting about a bit more now and that you could be taking on the Magazine editor's job again. We are officially in Interegnum now at our church , unfortunately we haven't got a Secretary which we need to get before looking into appointing a new minister. We are a small church but hopefully someone will come forward. I'm afraid I don'l volunteer to help in any way as I don't live in the village where my church is but at least I can do door stewarding from time to time and go on the flower rota.

    Been quite overcast and chilly the last few days but now at last the sun has appeared and its warming up. Had my spring booster this morning. Hopefully there will be no side effects.
    Love to read all that is going on but not a lot happening down here. Keep my eyes on the nests from time to time.
  • ANNETTE, HARELADY, OG – We do get thunderstorms this time of year but not so severe. This “weather event” has had 3 phases (so far) – the thunderstorm was followed the next day by a hailstorm (some places looked as if it snowed!) and again last night it was wet and windy. It is the beginning of our rainy season. Max temp today expected 15 C.

    Despite the forecast showers today, I am off to State Library for more lookups for the family stories I am “tidying up”. They are progressing ever so slowly. I have left a sandwich for OH’s lunch in case I am late back. . . and some choccy bics.

    This week I had an email from a not-too-close friend whom I often would see at the shops. She has been missing for months. It turns out that she had health problems and has changed her shopping day. I’m glad she emailed, I replied with my phone no, she replied with hers. Last night I rang and we had a long chat and we plan a coffee or lunch in a few weeks.

  • Where is everyone? 23 hours and no chat?
  • AQ: I've tried to get on several times today but the site has been excruciatingly slow, so slow I forgot what I was waiting for and ended up doing other stuff (grocery shopping, meeting with landscape guy, having lunch, taking a nap, etc...) It's just after 3 a.m. in the UK and I thought it wouldn't take so long, but it did - about 5 minutes from clicking on the site and then this thread. Nice that you have a coffee with not-too-close friend to look forward to. Hope OH enjoyed his sandwich.

    Hallo to all - I assume you've all had the same issue with the site.