Link to season’s opening post here

Link to May 2023 here


Flora HK0 arrived 30 March 2023

Harry (unringed) arrived 4 April 2023

EGG No. 1 laid 15 April - Hatched 21 May (37 days)

EGG No. 2 laid 18 April - Hatched 23 May (36 days)

EGG No. 3 laid 21 April - Hatched 25 May (35 days)

All going well so far. Harry is a prolific fisher and is averaging about 7-8 fish a day.

  • Wednesday 7 June

    Harry actually brought in13 fish to the nest today. Mostly small and a couple of tiny ones. He’s going for quantity over quality! They all add up though to a good day’s feed for the chicks.

    The first fish was brought in at 04.52 and the latest 20.32. He certainly likes to keep busy!
  • Flora trying to brood all 3 chicks tonight.

  • Thursday 8 June

    Summary so far. Harry has brought in fewer fish than yesterday but they are of a much better quality.

    No. 1 at 04.38

    No. 2 at 04.55 was a big fish but can’t get the image from scroll back now

    No. 3 at 05.34 

    Flora didn’t get up quick enough so Harry flew off with the fish again.

    06.21 Harry returns with the 05.34 fish.

    No. 4 at 11.22

    No. 5 at 12.50

    No. 6 at 18.14

    No. 7 at 18.33

    Nice to see #3 get some feeding time to itself with a good crop. Of course, the other two’s crops are bigger! 

    No. 8 at 19.26 a tiddler

    The chicks standing in a row, I think #1 #3 #2. 

  • Friday 9 June

    Today’s happenings

    Harry as usual, has been very busy fishing, hence the chicks have been very busy eating and have full crops.

    See what I mean! 

    The morning kicked off in black and white, still on night cam at 04.30 when Fish No.1 arrives

    No. 2   05.13

    No. 3  05.58

    No. 4.   09.40

    No.  5    10.43

    No. 6   12.41

    No. 7  14.00

    No. 8   15.26

    No. 9.  17.05

    No. 10  18.57

    No. 11. 22.00

    23.01 Flora trying to sleep with the chicks lying around her.

  • Saturday 10 June

    Tomorrow #1 will be 3 weeks old, #2 - 19 days and #3 - 17 days. My how much these chicks have grown. Blush

    This morning, Harry was away for his usual early morning hunt. He returned with a fine live fish at 04.40, a grayling I think.

    #1 and #2 went straight to Flora for a feed. #3 held off at the back. It has learned it gets a better feed when the other two are full.

    Sadly this time, #3 only managed one bite as it was too late in coming forward to ask.

    It waited on the next bite which included the tail but Flora took that.

    Next fish arrived at 07.10 A smaller live one this time.

    #3 came forward with the other two. From front #2, #1, #3.

    Flora seemed to make an effort to give #3 a feed, going straight to it on many occasions.

    #3 downing a nice piece here.

    Fish #2 had hardly been finished when fish #3 arrived at 07.23.

    Another very small live one.

    #1 didn’t even bother coming to the feed as it had fed well previously so #2 and #3 got it all to themselves.

  • Next fish delivery 09.03, a small live one.

    #2 and #3 got most of this feed. #1 stretching out before joining

    #1 got a few pieces as Flora squeezed through the gap to reach it.

    This feed was nearing the end when Harry arrived with a similar sized fish at 09.10. 

    Flora dropped the tail end of the fish she had in favour of the new live one.

    The feed continues

    #3 fed so well in this feed. Flora favoured it in the beginning, still feeding the other two though but they soon filled up.

    #3 was left with Flora and got a private feeding.

    Eventually, it too felt full up and turned away.

    Flora followed #3 and kept encouraging it to eat more!

    At that point, who should show up with another fish but Harry!! A larger live one this time. 09.19

    Flora didn’t even have time to shout for it!

    Harry stayed on the nest and started feeding #2 from his fish. 

    Flora was behind trying to feed #3 and #1

    #3 is totally blocked but you can just see Flora’s head passing food to #1.

    #2 continues to be fed by Harry. #1 and #3 are finished again. Flora gets a bit of fish to herself.

    09.28 Flora decides to take the fish from Harry and feed #2.

    I don’t know where #2 is putting it! Harry cleans his beak.

    Harry leaves, no more takers for food. Three very full cropped chicks at 09.30 with still the rest of the day to go!

    Flora continues eating. #1 is having a preen at the front, #3 to the right. 

  • You can see how more golden #1’s eyes are (right), the other two younger chicks a bit duller.

  • 11.11 next fish arrives

    The 2 older chicks wander over first for a feed. #3 hangs back.

    After chicks #1 and #2 retire from the feed, Flora follows them over to where #3 is to continue feeding.

    This is where #3 gets it’s chance to feed after #1 gets a few more pieces.

  • Flora had to wait until 15.37 for her next fish delivery. It was worth the wait. May be a pike.

    All 3 chicks go over

    then #3 withdraws. I’m sure it’s had aggression from one or both the older chicks (#2 has been seen attacking #3 on the nest before)  at a feed and it’s lost its confidence to compete for food. 

    #3+starts inching its way over as the other two start to fill up.

    #3 has to wait another 5 minutes to get its first bite.

    It continues to get a good feed thereafter.

    Flora keeps going round the chicks feeding any who will take it. Harry arrives with a small fish.

    Flora ignores Harry and he starts to eat the fish on the nest. Flora is still squeezing food into chicks.

    Harry leaves with the fish, Flora feeds until the chicks are fit to burst.

    It’s getting more windy, the nest can be seen swaying a little. Flora takes a quick comfort break while the chicks are resting/sleeping.

  • Next fish delivered at 08.05. A small one but the chicks were still full after the last feed that Flora had a job getting any takers!

    Flora walked around the nest with a piece of fish in her mouth looking for a chick to feed! 

    All settled down for the night now.