Link to season’s opening post here

Link to May 2023 here


Flora HK0 arrived 30 March 2023

Harry (unringed) arrived 4 April 2023

EGG No. 1 laid 15 April - Hatched 21 May (37 days)

EGG No. 2 laid 18 April - Hatched 23 May (36 days)

EGG No. 3 laid 21 April - Hatched 25 May (35 days)

All going well so far. Harry is a prolific fisher and is averaging about 7-8 fish a day.

  • Another couple of deliveries tonight

    18.40 a small fish

    Flora had just found a small discarded fish on the nest 5 minutes before when Harry arrived with a fresh one. She quickly dropped the old for new!

    A bigger delivery, brown trout. 

  • Sun 4 June

    A quick summary of today’s fish so far. I’m having to abbreviate on this nest because I didn’t realise before just how many fish a day Harry would be bringing in and it’s taking so much time to cover them al!! Smile

    Fish #1  04.27 Day cam hasn’t switched over yet!

    Small live

    Fish #2 slightly bigger, live  04.41

    Fish #3 slightly bigger again, live

    Fish #4 arrives when Flora is still feeding with fish #3!

    Harry waits with the fish

    Flora gives him 3 short noted contact calls and he flies off

    to return at 08.57 with the slightly eaten version.

    Fish #5 biggest one yet, live brown trout

  • After a long wait for the next fish, it arrived at 17.35

    Looks like a pike

    Since the chicks have had time to digest their last meal, they’re all ready for this one and diving in at the same time for each bite.

    It’s a big fish though so plenty to go around. 

  • 18.39 another feed from the pike

    It’s finished off this time. 

  • Fish delivery #7 at 20.15. Small live one

    The chicks are sleepy. Initially only #1 gets up. Chick #2 (front) had its head under the black plastic.

    The other two chicks came to the feed. #1 was still getting fed

    The chicks ended up in a line

    Flora munches down the tail and that’s it gone. A less than four minute’s feed.

  • Monday 5 June
    Fish report

    I’m just doing a quick list of the times of fish deliveries. My iPad had been playing up all day and it’s taking forever getting photos.

    Fish #1 delivered 04.28 - a very large live one that did several meals

    #2 delivered 05.53 - small

    #3 delivered 08.33 - no interest. Harry ate most of this one.

    #4 delivered 14.48 small

    #5 delivered 15.35 tiddler

    #6 delivered 15.43 very large whole trout

    #7 delivered 17.42 good sized headless

    #8 delivered 18.46 large headless

    At 12.37 #3 pecked #2 and subsequently got attacked into submission.
    However, the 3 chicks still seem to be doing well with crops getting full as the day went on. All are very dark brown now.
  • Tuesday 6 June

    iPad is behaving better today after I deleted 100’s of photos!

  • Harry’s fishing report  so far today

    06.03 Harry’s first fish (tiny) brought in. A bit misty this morning.

    07.04 Second fish, slightly bigger.

    08.16 Third fish, bigger again

  • Chick #1 front and #2 rear showing curiosity behind Flora. #1 fiddling with a stick.

    12.52 Fourth fish, about the same size as third.

    13.40 Fifth fish, smaller than last two

    #3 didn’t join the feed until later on when #1 had turned away. #3 got a good feed then. #2 looks on.

    15.15 Sixth fish, small again

    Seventh fish 16.20 small again

    17.43 Eighth fish, best one of the day by far, still not big yet though.

    It was very slippery and wriggly and nearly went over the edge. Luckily Harry had a good grip until Flora was able to grab with her beak and drag it into the nest.

    Three very full chicks.

  • 19.15 Harry has saved the best fish until the end. No. 9

    19.29 Feed finished as the last chick turns away.

    19.47 Harry comes and takes the fish away for his supper.