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LJ2 returned 31 March 2023

LM6 returned 4 April 2023

Egg No. 1 laid 20 April - Hatched 27 May (37 days)

Egg No. 2 laid 23 April - Hatched 29 May (36 days)

Egg No. 3 laid 26 April - Hatched 1 June  (37 days)

                        LM6                   LJ2

So far so good! The first 2 chicks are doing well, the 3rd just hatched this morning. 

  • 08.24 LM6 was on a comfort break when LJ2 arrived at the nest.

    Seconds later, LM6 arrived with a stick.

    LJ2 stayed on the nest for over half an hour when LM6 spotted something and began intruder chipping.09.00

    LJ2 flew to the other side of the nest and began mantling and chipping as well.

    09.04 LJ2 left the nest.

    Intruder was unseen, LM6 stayed vigilant and normal service at the nest resumed. 

  • Just before 12.00, LJ2 arrived with a whole fish for lunch.

    Both chicks were interested in a feed this time.

  • Chicks chilling with mum, they’ve been looking out over the water a lot.

    15.52 another fish delivery

    Both chicks ready for a feed.

  • That was a long feed, ongoing until 16.35

    Afterwards, LM6 picked up the tail end again

    #2 ate some more.

    The fish was finished off at 16.43 as LM6 swallowed the tail.

  • 17.23, LJ2 flies in with a headless fish.

    LM6 goes to collect but LJ2 won’t let her take it.

    LJ2 walks the fish round to the other side of the nest. LM6 tries again to take it but is unsuccessful.

    As LJ2 eats the fish, the chicks show interest and start asking to be fed. He starts feeding #2.

    LJ2 hasn’t learned to feed two mouths at once yet, #1 isn’t receiving any.

    It’s only when #2 lies down that #1 starts to be fed.

    LM6 has had enough of standing on the sidelines and goes in to grab the fish again, this time she gets it.

    LM6 starts feeding #1 straight away.

    LM6 finishes the fish around 17.45.

  • 19.13 and a live delivery from LJ2

    The chicks go towards LM6

    #2 is pushing in with each mouthful offered to #1 to receive a piece.

    #2 withdraws first

    LM6 swallows the tail at 19.30. Chick #2 has found itself a nice soft pillow.

  • 20.45 LJ2 arrives with another fish. That’s six for today.

    Chick #2 goes for a feed, #1 hangs back.

    Only #2 fed this time 

    #2 withdraws from the feed to lie beside #1. LM6 gets a few extra pieces.

    LJ2 takes the fish away at 21.02

    He chooses to eats on the preening perch. What a difference in the clarity here compared to the nest. 

    22.04 LJ2 returns to the nest with the fish. He starts eating.

    LM6 asks for it but doesn’t get it. 

    LJ2 moves round to nearer the chicks. I think he wants to feed them again but they’re too full and tired.

    LM6 is pacing, she prefers to do the feeding on the nest! None of the chicks beg for food, LM6 settles down on them.

    LJ2 eats a little more then flies off with the fish again.

    He returns to the preening perch. 23.32 he is still there now. 

    There is a light here now, it used to be all in darkness at night. 

  • Thursday 15 June

    Good morning Grinning For the first time in a lot of nights, LJ2 opted to roost on the preening perch rather than the nest perch.

    He hadn’t eaten all of the fish and held onto what was left.

    At 04.20 he flew to the nest.

    LM6 had been sitting with both chicks heads tucked under and their rear ends sticking out as they continue to grow.

    LM6 stood up as soon as she saw LJ2 was coming over.

    LM6 managed to get the fish this time as LJ2 let go of it.

    Both chicks came over for a feed.

    #1 nearest the cam ate first

    then when #1 withdrew, #2 got a feed.

    When #2 would eat no more, LM6 finished the feed, discarding the fish in between sticks at the front of the nest.

    She took a quick comfort break and brooded the chicks again as best as she could. #1 ‘s head is under her chest and #2 mostly under her left wing.

    LJ2 returned to the preening perch.

  • 05.14 LM6 got up to retrieve the fish.

    #2 got the first feed this time.

    #1 joined a few minutes later. #2 had settled down.

    After #1 settled down, LM6 let go of the fish and picked up a few scraps that had fallen.

    Then cuddled the chicks in again. 

    05.34 LJ2 is still on the preening perch as the sun rises.

  • A third feed from the fish at 06.02.

    No takers initially then #1 eventually took some .