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LJ2 returned 31 March 2023

LM6 returned 4 April 2023

Egg No. 1 laid 20 April - Hatched 27 May (37 days)

Egg No. 2 laid 23 April - Hatched 29 May (36 days)

Egg No. 3 laid 26 April - Hatched 1 June  (37 days)

                        LM6                   LJ2

So far so good! The first 2 chicks are doing well, the 3rd just hatched this morning. 

  • 12.21 The chicks are resting in the shade of mum.

    LM6 looks at the fish and decides to bring it over for a top up feed.

    #1 up first to be fed

    Then #2 joins in too.

  • 12.32 The feed is drawing to an end. #2 definitely finished eating! #1 is being strongly encouraged to have another piece.

    #1 seemed to get a renewed appetite and somehow continued to eat for another 6 minutes.

    12.38 #1 lay down to sleep

  • LJ2 came and took the fish away for a feed then returned it.

    13.48 LM6 gave the chicks another feed.

    I think #1 is full up - or it’s maybe the weight of its crop that has pulled it over! lol 

    #2 got a good feed there too. 

  • 14.11 not long after the feed had finished, LM6 settled over the top of her chicks. LJ2 arrived to collect the tail end of the fish.

    He chooses to eat it on the nest.

    With LJ2 on the nest, LM6 relaxes and has a wee snooze.

    14.24 LJ2 swallows the tail. He’ll need to go hunting again.

    LJ2 chooses to go to the perch first.

    Within half a hour, just before 15.00, the weather starts changing. The sky starts to darken and rain arrives, quickly getting very heavy.

    This is the scene around 15.30

  • Around 16.40 LM6 gets up for a feather shake. LJ2 is preening on the perch. Looks like the rain has stopped.

    The chicks can be heard calling. LJ2 flies over to the nest.

    LM6 takes a comfort break. Seconds later, LJ2 flies off as well.

    LM6 soon returns.

  • 17.20 LJ2 visits the nest. LM6 calls for fish and he leaves again.

    Things have dried up again. 

    17.49 Well done LJ2, he returns with a whole fish. LM6 sounds very pleased.

    The chicks are pleased too and soon tucking into their meal.

    The feed lasts around 20 minutes finishing at 18.09.

  • 20.09 headless fish delivery

  • 21.08 lovely end to the day after such terrible weather in the afternoon.

  • Monday 12 June

    Good morning Grinning All looked well on the nest overnight. LJ2 left the perch around 04.00. When day cam came on around 04.30 it revealed a damp and misty morning.

    05.49 LM6 took a comfort break. Hello chicks.

    LM6 returned 6 minutes later with a branch.

    No sign of LJ2 yet, I presume he’s been away fishing.

    The scene on the nest just now 07.05.

  • 09.25 large whole fish delivery from LJ2

    LJ2 was a bit reluctant to give the fish up and LM6 had to chase him around the nest to get it.

    The chicks were very happy to receive their feed.

    The feed lasted around 20 minutes.

    2 very contented little chicks and their mum.