GLASLYN - June 2023 to end of season

Link to Glaslyn - May 2023

The liaison of Aran with a new female, Elen, taking over from much-mourned MrsG, has been almost seamless.

They have laid 2 eggs, the first of which hatched @ 01:38 on 31 May.  It's been fairly subdued so far, but here were a lively few moments:

  • 31 August

    Late morning:

    What a relief to see 0H1 get the first fish - a live flounder but quite a small one:

    Aran relaxing:

    OH1 got the next fish as well, a non-flounder that was only seeable as a blur in Aran's talons on the way in - 0H2 nowhere to be seen.

    This must be 0H1 with fish:


    Aran with his own fish:


    "...most of us haven't seen OH2 since early this morning when he chased an intruder. VC say he was in the trees this afternoon."

    Heather - We had the other camera on 0H2 on the faraway tree. The other camera stream follows him to the tree when he leaves with the flounder. This camera was left on 0H1 so we could see both of them.  

    And while checking Chat thru screwed up eyes, I saw to my dismay that there'd been a Sparrowhawk on LS2 (which I'm not downloading) nearly 12 hours ago !!!  So I hot-footed it to the LS and went right back to the beginning of the current stream and just made it!  So here's my juddery screen-capture - most of the time it faced away from us.

    The close-ups don't come out well.

    Stretched feathers but no face:

  • Sadly, none of the photos (except those of the sparrowhawk) are showing for me.
  • All perfectly lovely, Thank you Scylla . Really enjoyed the video

  • JillR said:
    Sadly, none of the photos (except those of the sparrowhawk) are showing for me.

    Oh the mysteries of tech!  I didn't use any method different from usual, Jill - but if it's any comfort, I don't think there's anything ultra stunning that you've missed Hugging

  • I couldn't see them either Scylla, boohoo!Disappointed relieved


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • 31 August

    The 6 snaps above that wouldn't display for some of us - I've tested and when left-clicked on they open in a greyed-out tab with refresh dots on it, so summat's definitely wrong.

    I'm using to host, see what happens:

    The second time around, having read the Chat - maybe this was 0H2?

  • Many thanks Scylla for sharing those pics again, they are lovely!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • 01 September

    I've got just enough to show that both the juvies were still here (as was Aran, of course) and they both ate:

    Heather spent some time searching the sky, I tried to check Chat but got thoroughly confused by all the side-tracking.

  • 02 September

    Early morning Garfish for ???

    As you can seen the sun on the spider-work made it impossible to read anything - so I went to Chat and got crushed in the crowd - on one of the cams there were questions answered that hadn't even been asked, by people who weren't even there... So I've thrown my toys out of the pram.

    As far as I can gather, both of the boys and Aran were still around on the 2nd of September Green heartGreen heartGreen heart