Continued from Manton Bay May 2023  

Details about the Manton Bay nest can be found on the season’s opening post.      

The season so far:  Blue 33(11) returned March 16 @ 12:58 and Maya on March 19 @ 06:54.  Maya laid four eggs - Apr 4 @ 15:52, April 7 @ 09:04, April 10 @ 07:03 and April 13 @ 08:08.  On May 12 @ 08:18 the first chick hatched followed by chick #2 @ 06:36 on May 14 and chick #3 was first seen @ 05:45 on May 17.  Chick #4 hatched @ 18:53 on May 18 but unfortunately a live fish was delivered to the nest causing havoc and the little chick died the following morning.  Chicks #1, #2 and #3 have thrived under the careful protection of Maya and Blue 33(11) who also has been a fantastic provider for his family.  

Later this month the chicks will be ringed and we will learn more about them.  

© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust 

  • 17:26  Another feed going on

    close up

    and its sibling gets in line

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust 

  • 18:03  33 arrives, mantling.   

    Must check his throat after seeing the blood earlier

    from this angle, his throat looks fine 

    and other side - looks fine.  Thankfully no injury, it has been fish blood !

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust 

    33 collects the fish and flies off to have his share

  • Morning ALL

    catching up from last night:

    20:52  all settled 

    21:29  33 arrives with a large fish for them

    21:29  33 drops the fish, Maya remains on the chicks as he cleans his beak then flies off

    21:40  Maya takes a quick comfort break and settles back on the chicks - fish ignored as no one is hungry!  

    00:37  all sound asleep

    03:52  Maya rises and leaves the chicks - she's up to the cam post

    04:10  #2 square up with #1

    and quickly put in its place

    04:11  Maya returns - still ignoring the fish

    05:42  Maya does some tidying up 

    close up of the chicks

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust 

  • 06:03  Maya stands over the fish - still no feeding.  Then 33 arrives and they do a bit of nest work

    06:14  Chicks still waiting on breakfish

    06:17  Maya takes the fish and perhaps a bit or two but no feed

    she turns away - chicks gathered round wondering what is going on lol

    06:21  still waiting

    06:41 and still they wait

    06:44  Maya moves to the fish, the chicks are waiting

    and she starts to dish out their breakfish

    07:23  Maya is settled down with the chicks again

    07:31  33 arrives

    07:33  33 collects the fish and then flies off with it

    07:59  33 soon returns - miserable day but hopefully the lens will clear

    08:14  Present

    33 has flown leaving the fish, Maya stands watching over the chicks

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust 

    out for day now - SYL

  • Morning ALL

    catch up

    05:00  Maya sheltering the chicks - far too big to cover now

    05:50  33 arrives with a large, live flapping fish!

    Chicks are up and waiting, Maya moves in but 33 is keeping a firm hold

    05:51  maya has it

    06:00 Feed underway

    06:13  Maya has stopped 

      06:53  33, who arrived with a small stick and has been pottering about, collects the fish and flies off

    08:11  33 has returned the fish and Maya settled down

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust 

    off out for the day - SYL

  • The poor swan.. 33 divebombing it for couple of times..

  • Some random captures from today:

    04:53 bundle of feathers now!!

    05:48  One chick shaking its head, neck stretching - bringing up a pellet?

    07:20  standing tall

    07:21  Chick still the same, Maya looking on

    other chick too looking - hope a bone isn't stuck in its throat

    08:18 crowded nest but how those chicks have developed

    08:47  Fish

    10:34  snoozing  -  chick seems to be ok

    11:43  Preening and snoozing

    11:44 from the wide cam which is a bit clearer

    13:20  Maya and 33 watch over the chicks

    present 14:46

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust 

  • Morning ALL - such a shame I am so busy and out so much just now so cannot do any live reporting but here is a quick catch up with some random captures that at least show us the daily development of these chicks 

    June 8 - 21:22  Maya stands guard over her beauties

    23:52  Maya remains on the nest with the chicks 

    01:26  She's still there

    04:03  33 arrives with a fish piece for Maya who is still staying on the nest with the chicks

    04:33  Breakfish well underway

    05:00  chicks full and snuggle up 

    05:02  33 arrives and has some fish on the nest

    06:55  Maya stands guard as the chicks sleep

    08:37 no change

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust 

  • Karen W said:

    Morning ALL - such a shame I am so busy and out so much just now so cannot do any live reporting but here is a quick catch up with some random captures that at least show us the daily development of these chicks 

    You’re doing a great job Karen and your daily progress is great. I’m much the same with my postings. 

  • some more captures

    15:14  33 arrives with a large, live fish

    chicks takes turns enjoying their afternoon fish

    two chicks enjoying a snooze

    while the other does some wing stretches

    Soon 33 arrives and grabs the fish

    33 flies off - just love the chicks' reactions seeing their fish being carried off

    Maya tidies up as the chicks rest 

    and again their faces as Maya flies off

    and of course she is soon back, standing watch over them

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust