Llyn Clywedog Ospreys June 2023 - March 2024


I thought we should have a new thread to record the development of the two chicks who hatched successfully at Clywedog this year. UPDATE. One of the chicks was killed in an attempted goshawk predation on 18 July 2023.

The introduction to the nest and happenings between March and June 2023 on this Thread©

5F Seren, the female who has been here since 2020, returned from migration on 25 March 2023. The unringed Dylan, the male since 2016, returmed two days later. Eggs were laid on 13 April, 16 April and 19 April. The first egg hatched on 20 May, and the second egg 2 days after that. The third egg has not hatched and will not do so now.

A highlight was the visit on 12 May from 496, the only chick which fledged from this nest in 2021.

Carnyx Wild provide video streams; the current stream is available here. The link to the feed changes every 12 hours. There should be 2 cameras, but one has not been streamed so far this season due to condensation in the lens; it is hoped this may be changed when the chicks are ringed.

Other links to the Facebook page and John Williams blog are on the introduction to the first thread above.

Grateful thanks to those who are gifted enough to record images and videos from this lovely, mainly tranquil, scene.

UPDATE This thread will be used to record updates on this nest and the Llyn Clywedog area before the start of the 2024 season.

All images are © Carnyx Wild and NRW.

  • 10 August

    Misty from 05:00 onwards.

    Up to 09:10, 8B2 has been back several times, dancing and waiting, dancing and waiting.

  • 09:34 - Seren with fine fish.  I had to do a short vid, just in case it's Seren's last visit:


    If this was not 496 about to make off with 8B2's generous leftover, I don't know who it was:

  • If this was not 496 about to make off with 8B2's generous leftover, I don't know who it was:

    It was KA5 (Roli) a 2019 son of Blue 24 and HR7 at Llyn Brenig. 

  • Unknown said:
    son of Blue 24

    Oh my!  Thank you, AG.  That warrants a video, just for the record - she was so treasured by so many, after what Monty put her thru, and I'm very sorry that she didn't get a longer tenure at Brenig.

    Nostalgic chitchat

    It was one of my Blue24 videos (just looking beautiful, I think) that prompted Emyr to ban third-party videos... "I don't want poor quality 12-minute videos of nothing happening", or words to that effect... (I got flamed on Facebook for protesting, rudely, I have to admit, but I had been railroaded.)  I was just looking for it when I came upon "5F and Blue24 vie over nest, Episode One" in 2016 (Dyfi, of course) Hugging

    Tut!  Anyone would think I had nothing else to do.

  • 11 August

    I won't speculate who brought (and took away!) the first fish, but it was good to see Dylan soon turn up with a very fine fish for 8B2:

  • A joyful day for Clywedog followers! West Midlands Ringing Group have posted on Facebook that they have ringed an osprey chick 5H9, whose parents are KA6 (2019)f, and 2AM (2017). 2AM is a Manton Bay chick. KA6 is from the last clutch which was raised at Clywedog by Dylan and Delyth. She was the first female to breed at Clywedog in 2014, initially with Dai Dot and from 2016 with Dylan. This is the first known instance of one of her chicks raising their own young. Exact location of the nest in the Midlands is not given.
  • Unknown said:
    West Midlands Ringing Group

    Me not having a wide view of the Osprey world, I'm surprised and very pleased that there are enough nests in the West Midlands to warrant a ringing "group" AstonishedBlush

    On a less happy topic, my tech has almost completely died so I've had to co-opt the Clywedog screen to record LG, where there have been so many negative events lately.

    I got this fish notification from Chat, and true to what the report said, Seren disappeared the instant she landed, so this is the only half-decent snap:

  • Ringing groups don't only ring ospreys!
  • JillR said:
    Ringing groups don't only ring ospreys!

    I didn't think of that, JILL - my travails have made me mentally ill Rofl

    Found a supper fish (small) per Dylan butI can't read the time:

  • 8B2 is fish-calling on the nest but the cam is buffering: