Llyn Clywedog Ospreys June 2023 - March 2024


I thought we should have a new thread to record the development of the two chicks who hatched successfully at Clywedog this year. UPDATE. One of the chicks was killed in an attempted goshawk predation on 18 July 2023.

The introduction to the nest and happenings between March and June 2023 on this Thread©

5F Seren, the female who has been here since 2020, returned from migration on 25 March 2023. The unringed Dylan, the male since 2016, returmed two days later. Eggs were laid on 13 April, 16 April and 19 April. The first egg hatched on 20 May, and the second egg 2 days after that. The third egg has not hatched and will not do so now.

A highlight was the visit on 12 May from 496, the only chick which fledged from this nest in 2021.

Carnyx Wild provide video streams; the current stream is available here. The link to the feed changes every 12 hours. There should be 2 cameras, but one has not been streamed so far this season due to condensation in the lens; it is hoped this may be changed when the chicks are ringed.

Other links to the Facebook page and John Williams blog are on the introduction to the first thread above.

Grateful thanks to those who are gifted enough to record images and videos from this lovely, mainly tranquil, scene.

UPDATE This thread will be used to record updates on this nest and the Llyn Clywedog area before the start of the 2024 season.

All images are © Carnyx Wild and NRW.

  • Dylan's been bringing in end-of-season sticks:

    8B2 followed this one in hopefully but futilely Wink

    Teatime fish for 8B2:

    But half an hour later he and Seren were hoping to catch a fish from Dylan, but it was only another stick - what happened to the 17:01 fish?!) - it wasn't huge, but I reckon it was lost rather than eaten.


    Then Seren flew in with a fish, they ended up eating side by side:

    But 8B2 kept flying off and returning, and in the end his fish was left on the nest - I reckon Seren fed him some of hers but I haven't stopped to check thoroughly - in any case, we know he can't be hungry.

  • 22 July

     I think it was Dylan who came and picked up last night's leftover, he had to bring it back for 8B2:

    Later 8B2 was to be seen on the nest with Seren, possibly being fed.

  • 8B2 got thru the day OK, then Windows did an update behind my back and recording stopped.

    23 July

    After waiting in vain (but not for long) for a fish 8B2 flew off in a curly manner (a shortie from rollback, as I'm recovering from yet another mishap):

    He's back on the perch as I type.

  • I don't think there's been a fish yet - Dylan's brought in sticks, eg:

    After quite a long wait on the nest, Seren just flew off.

  • Downloader crashed again.  I don't know if I've said it here, but yes or no I'll say it - I've been using this downloader software since September 2011, gradually getting to know it so I could pretty much "set it and forget it", and hardly ever had a problem with it until March 2023, just in time for our Osprey season.  I think it's something Microsoft did in that update, as that's when my internal network started cutting off as well.

    Any road up... there was quite a bit of buffering during the afternoon, which puts my timeline a minute or so out either way.

    Even Seren brought a stick - more worthy of being called a matchstick really, no fish seen...

    Mid-afternoon, 8B2 had a nano-sitdown during a short visit:


    He listened, and brought 8B2 a live medium fish for tea:

    Evening, 8B2 spent time on perch and on top of cam, showing off his talons:

    At suppertime Seren brought a nice fish for 8B2, then came back with one for herself - then took away 8B2's buried leftover.  8B2 has a good crop and all the family has had a good day, by the look of it Blush

    I'm not going to be able to record the perch cam tonight, it's going into yet another buffer every time I reset it.

    No sooner had I typed that than a familiar pretty flyer fluttered in and out of view, so I had to record rollback to get snaps:

  • 24 July

    The perch cam is still dodgy - when not buffering it's been skipping from scene to scene.

    Here was Dylan just landed and Seren arriving, he didn't stay, she's still there:

    8B2 is here now, Seren left after he arrived:

  • Seren's on the perch mantling vs unseen intruder.


    Hang on, that can't be right cos she's also on the nest - must have been Dylan... or the two cams are out of sync.

  • The only perch visitors I captured overnight:

  • 25 July

    I cannot see any reason for this stick moving  @ 05:11:

    Someone has been on 'n off the perch a couple of times but no-one has been on the nest so far.

  • scylla said:
    I cannot see any reason for this stick moving  @ 05:11:

    It did it again @ around 07:30, and this time I caught the blighters - but they were too fast, to distant and too glary for IDs - one was either Coal or Great Tit, the other was pale tan/beige.

    The best I can do Stuck out tongue winking eye

    The first lander was Dylan with a stick:

    09:20 he brought a clump and sorted some sticks.

    09:29 8B2 arrived, had a shouty sitdown, flew @ 09:37, 5 minutes later Seren brought a stick and Dylan brought yet another stick and 8B2 flew back in hoping it was a fish.  It all got a bit much!  Here was Seren on the nest and Dylan descending with another stick, and very shortly afterwards 8B2 descended on both of them:

    I hope I come to a fish soon cos I'm running out of steam.

    Dylan flew, 8B2 flew, Seren stayed nestorising then just waiting... flew @ 11:47, after which she returned twice with sticks and nestorised...

    ...during which time 8B2, I reckon, was on the perch.

    Seren brought yet another stick, I refuse to snap it, 8B2 hung around until 12:50, flew off in despair Wink