Llyn Clywedog Ospreys June 2023 - March 2024


I thought we should have a new thread to record the development of the two chicks who hatched successfully at Clywedog this year. UPDATE. One of the chicks was killed in an attempted goshawk predation on 18 July 2023.

The introduction to the nest and happenings between March and June 2023 on this Thread©

5F Seren, the female who has been here since 2020, returned from migration on 25 March 2023. The unringed Dylan, the male since 2016, returmed two days later. Eggs were laid on 13 April, 16 April and 19 April. The first egg hatched on 20 May, and the second egg 2 days after that. The third egg has not hatched and will not do so now.

A highlight was the visit on 12 May from 496, the only chick which fledged from this nest in 2021.

Carnyx Wild provide video streams; the current stream is available here. The link to the feed changes every 12 hours. There should be 2 cameras, but one has not been streamed so far this season due to condensation in the lens; it is hoped this may be changed when the chicks are ringed.

Other links to the Facebook page and John Williams blog are on the introduction to the first thread above.

Grateful thanks to those who are gifted enough to record images and videos from this lovely, mainly tranquil, scene.

UPDATE This thread will be used to record updates on this nest and the Llyn Clywedog area before the start of the 2024 season.

All images are © Carnyx Wild and NRW.

  • It was wonderful watching Dylan bringing in all those fish   - thanks Scylla. Juvies looking really grown up now

    Hail, in June - it's must be awful for mum birds in nests every where

  • Looks like quite a substantial fish brought by Dylan - I can't get at it via my network so this is a snap from YT rollback:

  • Bright and breezy day at Clywedog. 10.24 brown trout had gone by 11.00.

  • Not sure why the "day" session of the Clywedog feed is still running at 10.00 p.m., 14 hours in. But it is!
  • Unknown said:
    Not sure why the "day" session of the Clywedog feed is still running at 10.00 p.m., 14 hours in. But it is!

    I remember yesterday(?) thinking the same, I got a new URL from the channel page link and surmised that, instead of going into YT "end of video" mode, with a dozen thumbnails of videos to choose from, it must have started replaying an old stream.  But that's what I surmised while I was doing something else and not stopping to check it exactly.

    In any case I've not been paying due attention but have noticed the chicks, or one of them at least, getting more active and trying to wingercise.

    This mroning Dylan brought a big slab of bark and landed on a chick with it, then stood on it!  It was left to Seren to clear it away:

    That's delayed me packing up, it doesn't signal a revivification (!) on my part Grin

  • Another new word for me courtesy of Scylla ( where do you find them?)

    Definitions of revivification. bringing again into activity and prominence. synonyms: renaissance, resurgence, revitalisation, revitalization, revival.
    https://www.vocabulary.com › revi...
    Revivification - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Belting Brown trout at 9.28 a.m.

    Dyfi have announced that they will are planning to ring their chicks on Tuesday 27th. If the logistics work with cherry picker etc. for John W, I would not be surprised if Clywedog ringing was the same day.

  • Unknown said:
    Belting Brown trout at 9.28 a.m.

    Sorry, AG - it was one of those mornings and I'm too late for rollback:

    23 June

    First activity:

    Dylan and then Seren flew in, apparently responding to an intruder but there was no major disturbance:

    Looks like they're both in working order:

    Worth waiting for, but no mad rush for it:

  • I've had long outages, both personally and technically - so I've got nothing whatsoever for the night session and nothing this morning until 07:48, when I refreshed to find all heads down on a rain-dropped cam for the end of a feed.

    Switchover didn't take place until 08:46 !!!  But at least I was on the ball for it.  Seren's on the nest preening.

  • Cam just went down. Deliberate for ringing? Or... ???