Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 May 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful early summer week! And winter for AQ!

I was standing in my front yard today, and a big shadow fell on me and grew larger. R.T. Hawk and his mate flew over me in circles until they were quite low and close to me. R.T. looked me in the eyes. I hadn't seen them in quite a while, and they were probably confirming that it was me. They both looked healthy. I was glad to see them. 

Love to all.

  • RUSTY - great pics from St Davids - love the wood and the lovely colour of the stone too. I hadn't realised there are also ruins around it. Glad you had such a good week away.

    ANNETTE - yup - same chair - not a happy bunny.

    LINDA - sorry about the missing wifi - hope all is well now - have a great weekend!

    Ran out of bird food - got plenty of treats but no bog-standard stuff as OH was late ordering. They are all clamouring - especially the 50+ starlings!
  • OG - so pleased you enjoyed the photos. I put the last 2 fat balls out for the birds this morning. They have gone! I have to go to town on Monday so I will get more.
    Pat - I was not lying on the floor when I took the photos of the ceilings in St David’s! However, I was in danger of losing my balance! If you can get there I am sure you would be impressed. I found the whole site so very peaceful. The city is tiny ( as I said before - more like a village) but my friend and I found a lovely little cafe down a side street for lunch. Of course, we were not there in high tourist season which helped.
    I have been to see my friend in the Sheltered Housing this afternoon. I did the update on the iPad for her and helped her to find a couple of websites her daughter had recommended. I left when she went to a tea and cake afternoon in one of the very pleasant communal rooms.
  • OG -- We also ran out of bird food. I now buy it in huge sacks, to save money & also to save having to lug it home! It's delivered by the Big River company and often arrives only1 day after ordering. However, this time when I sent for it, nothing arrived but then I got an email saying it was "undeliverable" !!!

    We knew what that meant however, as once, when ordered, a very sad parcel arrived leaking seeds everywhere. They don't take care when loading up the vans and it gets punctured. I expect the latest consignment had half escaped, making it undeliverable! They did refund me. I didn't reorder as not at home at present to receive it.

    Sorry to hear about your chair. Perhaps it can be mended if you can get it serviced by the experts.

    Very hot here now- the day began warm but the sun is now beating down so I've had to shelter under a sun umbrella, & give up on plans to do some weeding of the flowerbed opposite us. My OH is enjoying (??) the FA Cup Final football as he's a Manchester United fan. At present, they're losing 2 - 1 with only 5 minutes to go.