Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 May 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful early summer week! And winter for AQ!

I was standing in my front yard today, and a big shadow fell on me and grew larger. R.T. Hawk and his mate flew over me in circles until they were quite low and close to me. R.T. looked me in the eyes. I hadn't seen them in quite a while, and they were probably confirming that it was me. They both looked healthy. I was glad to see them. 

Love to all.

  • DIANE – Thank you, I am having a lovely winter. However farmers are starting to complain about low rainfall. A big welcome back to RTH & mate. I reckon they were glad to see you and not some stranger on their land. That bank teller needed some retraining; how cruel to laugh at your photo.

    Yesterday I had another History Month outing to view St Theodore’s at Toorak Gardens. A lovely Romanesque church, 3 stained glass windows, some interesting memorials. More photos to process. On my previous photo outing I captured a memorial fountain to a doctor who died 1877 aged only 40; he was very popular. Later I discovered I had missed a plaque. I found it yesterday, no wonder I missed it, it was flat on pavement & inches deep in mulch and plane tree leaves. I cleared inscription as best I could with my sneakers, so more photos to process

  • Diane: Thank You! And how nice to know that your old friends are back in the neighborhood.

    AQ; So nice for you to be able to go off on your outings again.

    Let's not dwell on passport or driver's license photos! :-) I don't mind my Costco member photo however, which was taken 20 years ago and thank heaven doesn't need to be updated.

    It's been a discombobulating few days. The phones sprang to life after being unplugged overnight. Was planning on doing all kinds of stuff today but oh well.....

    Take care all.
  • Indeed they would be checking you out Diane and confirming one to the other that ''OK it's just Diane''. Fortunate you to have RT s. Still we have hawks too so i guess it's swings and roundabouts. Enjoy their new season.
  • DIANE - thanks once again! Good to see that RT and his mrs have checked up on you!

    AQ - glad you had a good trip - and more photos! Our town is now known as "Annan - History Town". The organising group held some interesting talks through winter and spring, but they were in a very cold church hall and I couldn't face going out in the evenings. They are having their third summer festival this summer, so it seems to be well established now. I keep suggesting J should join the group - he keeps asking me about local history and I've only been here twenty years!

    Yesterday came and went - nothing spectacular, just some routine jobs and OH moved the biggest Geraniums when I asked hiom to. I shall be supervising some this afternoon - next size need repotting in larger pots. We haven't gone to church today - too much to do in the garden (strimming when indoor routine jobs are finished). J has gone for breakfast at Subway and then will cross the road to his church.
  • Thank you, Diane. How lovely for you to have the RT Hawks checking you out!

    Sunny again here, but sometimes cloudy, and much cooler than yesterday, when we sat out in the garden.

    My OH went to the Tip with a car full of greenery he'd pruned from our lilacs, plus a big chunk of next doors hedge which their workmen routinely ignore, as its hiding under their massive magnolia. He said he had to queue to get into the Tip, as so many others must be doing the same. Then he had to clean the rear of the car out afterwards.

    Good to hear that you managed an outing, AQ. Enjoy your cooler weather.
  • The bees love the poppies as much as I do.

  • Such a bright red, in the sunshine, that it caused a glare!

  • Thanks Diane for starting another week and pleased to hear your hawks are back and approve their territory.

    Couple of medical appointments this week whilst dau is off for half term. More or less back to normal except knee is playing up more hence one of the appts this week is to see the doctor and register for treatment etc.

    Had our lunch outside again, its lovely weather and so nice to be sitting in the garden enjoying a meal.

    Hope you all have a lovely week
  • Pleased to hear that you're feeling better, Lynette - but sorry your knee is being uncooperative.