Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 May 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful, sunny week.

Love to all!

  • PHEW! What a week - won't go into details, but had extras beyond routine stuff in the diary at least twice every day (three things yesterday!). But we have reached Friday afternoon without falling out, and all here to tell the tale! It means I hadn't read the Chat, so I just had a quick dash through it; I shan't try to make many replies, but was sorry to read about LYNETTE's various conditions recurring/worsening.

    We went to a consultation about the proposal for a Solar Farm on the site of the old power station - should have been done at least 15 years ago IMHO! The weather here has been amazing - we received our own solar payback cheque this morning - so glad we installed the PV panels when we did. The amount we generate kinda proves how well the project will do - but how much longer before it gets up and running?

    J is enjoying his work - the few scattered days a week are suiting him well and he's already added an extra day next week. E-E is working in the garden as much as possible when the odd hour is free to get on with the various jobs. I am not getting outside as much as I would like as it takes extra time to get me in and out. Had the hairdresser here this morning - feeling tidier!

    Now got to be moved as OH is ready to go shopping - a trip to Tesco has expanded to a total of six messages around the town, so I shall not go with him - too many times in and out of the car!
  • I have always tipped at 20% and just figure it in to my budget. I do not use a card when I eat out so the tip is always in cash and goes directly to the server. There are so many variables in a restaurant so if the food is bad that is not the server's fault. The actual service might be but I seldom run into that. Just eating out with friends is usually at a modest or low priced eatery and only go to the fancy places for special occasions. None of us want the hassle of cooking for a crowd at this stage in our lives unless it's holidays with family.
  • Have a rest now, OG & EE!! You deserve it, after your epic week. Good that J is feeling settled and enjoying the job, now.

    AQ - Good that you managed to get your OH into the shop, and actually come out with something. It's to be hoped that he'll get used to the new footwear.

    We tip where we feel we've had good service in an eatery: that is, most of the time. But we both feel that it's annoying that waiting staff don't get decent pay in the1st place. We are prepared to pay more for alcohol as we know that they make a lot of their profit on that part, but it is galling that it often costs the same for one glass of wine as it would cost for a whole bottle in a shop!

    It's gloriously sunny here, We went to a Garden Centre this morning & I spent a voucher which I'd been given over a year ago. Bought three plants and a bag of birdfood! Sat in the garden after lunch contemplating having to stir ourselves soon, to put the plants in the garden beds. But now I'm indoors as I got too hot.
  • I see bjane commented whilst I was wittering on. It's a minefield, tipping. By the way, re haggling prices of goods -- I have been known to haggle abroad where its customary. It seemed odd at first, but then I began to enjoy it!

    Yesterday I was upset. I need a renewal on my passport, and at first, thought I could just say my old photo was similar to how I look now (ten years on!) But apparently, it's not good enough to say that, and you have to produce new pictures of yourself.

    So, I went into one of those photo booths to take my own pictures. The on screen instruction said that it would take 3 pictures, one at a time, and you could then choose which you thought was the "best" one to be printed out. So far, so good. I adjusted the chair height, & my hair, and sat up straight. CLICK!! A picture then appears on screen for you to view. I gazed in disbelief....surely this was someone else, this old woman with bags under the bags under her eyes..... she had one eye half shut and looked vacant.....

    I had another go, trying to compose myself and not get flustered. CLICK! This time, there was an axe murderer with wild staring eyes and flyaway hair, ready to strike at any minute... ....

    Last go. I tried not to smile (not allowed) not to open my eyes too wide, not to crinkle them up. CLICK!! There this time, was my grandmother. I plumped for that one. But when I got home, I told my OH to brace himself before I showed him my (expensive) results.
  • OG: It's really good to hear that everyone seems to be humming along there.

    Lindybird: I had to renew my passport this year. I was allowed to use my phone (but for some reason they wouldn't allow 'selfies) and it took ages for OH to get a photo I'd admit was me. Finally gave up and uploaded the least ghastly....

    bjane: I prefer to tip in cash too (not reported as 'income' to server?) If it all goes into a pot for the entire staff, that's fine too.

    Must research phone problem. I can't believe all the batteries went out at the same time.... Sigh
  • Lindy-Best out loud laugh I've had in a while!! That is exactly how I feel when I try to take a selfie, add to that the fact that my hands start shaking when I have to hold them still! Thanks for the laugh!
  • RUSTY: Glad you made it to St. David's. That's a lovely photo. Have a safe journey home.
  • Bjane -- Glad I made you laugh.  :-))  I can laugh about it now but at the time I was almost tearful - who the heck was this dreadful looking old woman?? My old photograph wasn't exactly flattering, but at least I looked sane.

    I've consoled myself that on the passport it will be shown much smaller and with wavy lines over it. Now, I've left one of the pictures at our Dentist's surgery as you have to have someone to certify that it's you, and that they've known you for a few years. Usually I would ask our doctor but sadly these days, I seem to see a different doctor every time I get an appointment. There are half a dozen doctors in our practice, plus they often seem to be on a holiday and then there's a locum.... <sigh>

  • Rusty -- Hope you're home safely and we look forward to hearing all about your trip. With pictures.
  • OG – Ah, good to see you are “tidier”. Was your hair long and frizzing in all directions? My imagination is running riot.

    LINDA - I don’t believe you are supposed to look like your passport photo. BTW our passport photos are taken by the post office where we lodge application, so they are official and we get no choice.

    OH took his new footwear on his daily walk around the suburbs yesterday. He approves (but for how long I wonder).