WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) Sunday, May 14 2023

Diane:  Well, I'm here.  Let's see if the site cooperates...

  • Lindy - the comment your OH made about not being last is one I frequently find myself making!! Lol!! Your 2 stories are both rather (I don’t really know what word to use) not exactly creepy but somewhat unreal. Coincidence is one thing but for it to happen twice is another. Glad you liked the necklace.
    AQ - I had to laugh about you advertising your OH! I am sure he was only trying to help. Glad the internet was fixed easily.
    I am so pleased with my little garden at the moment. The poppies are all over and are so pretty and cheerful. I can see one bud of my big poppy and other things are on the verge of flowering too. Today I must cut the grass - again. Doesn’t it come round quickly?
  • Morning all:

    AQ: How about a twofer? Two OH's for the price of 1.5? :-)   Was in Costco the other day and a woman was standing in the aisle calling out to her OH  who was wandering off with the basket, asking if he wanted her to get the particular item she was standing by.  He didn't hear her in spite of several attempts on her part.  She gave up, exasperated, and announced to no-one in particular "This is why I was single most of my life!"  

  • You had better buy a lottery ticket today before the magic wears off!
  • Love your quotes, AQ!! Very good.

    I could do an OH swap if you like -- I keep suggesting various things & then five minutes later, my OH says "Why don't we..... ..... whatever." He hasn't heard what I said at all, but seems to have somehow absorbed it.

    I put my stories on as an illustration of things which happen to me almost daily. I don't take much notice as they are commonplace. I have also been known to say "I wonder how XXXXX XXXXX is, these days" and then hear within hours that they have just died! Oh dear!

    I used to drive past a row of shops on my way to visit my mother in hospital, every day for months. There was a shabby shop which had been some sort of ironmongers once. One day, I was irritated "I wish it could be brightened up, its depressing" I said out loud. The next day I didn't look at it, probably watching traffic, but the day after that noticed it was a hive of activity. By the end of the week, it had reopened as a bright & cheerful paint & wallpaper shop!

  • When my OHs brother in law died in December, I had been in a shop buying birthday cards only a few days before--- I saw some condolence cards & said to my OH "I'd better get one as there seem to be regular funerals these days" . Only about 4 days later I got it out of the drawer. I had felt strongly that there would be a family bereavement, but said nothing about that as my OH would have scoffed.

    Annette, I love your story. I struggle when shopping with my OH in tow as its like having a 4 year old with me - this week, he walked post the big trollies outside the hardware shop, even though he wanted to buy a big bag of compost. When he found the compost, he had to backtrack & I saw him wandering around looking for the right kind of trolley. I just sighed, & went to admire the posh outside furniture display while he sorted himself out.
  • I can see why they're called "flags" !!!

  • Lindybird: I need you to walk by my house and say "I hope they get their garden sorted out soon."