Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 May 2023

HAPPY NEW WEEK! Today was an historic day in the UK.

I've been listening to the House Wrens singing their joyful songs as they build their nests. They have improved my mood and outlook, and it finally feels like spring here!

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • OG - Yes, all valid points. I would like to add one more. I thought it was Eurovision - why, then, is Australia in it??? The last time I looked at a map, Australia was very far from Europe ... I can't believe there is nothing more important going on in the world so that this 'event' gets top billing on the news.

    dibnlib - The Coronation was an historic event, so deserved top billing. I agree with you - I didn't moan about that! But a pop concert?!?!?
  • OG - Yes, all valid points. I would like to add one more. I thought it was Eurovision - why, then, is Australia in it??? The last time I looked at a map, Australia was very far from Europe ... I can't believe there is nothing more important going on in the world so that this 'event' gets top billing on the news.

    dibnlib - The Coronation was an historic event, so deserved top billing. I agree with you - I didn't moan about that! But a pop concert?!?!?
  • Hey, folks. This website isn't letting me start the new thread. I forgot that it's Saturday, so I'm attempting to start it much later than usual. But I'm getting an error message. Sorry. If I'm still awake, I will try again in awhile. ANNETTE: You can try if you want to.
  • Well, folks, I'm giving up. The website is telling me that an "unexpected issue" is preventing me from starting a thread. The problem has been logged. There's a big storm happening on my patch, so maybe that's part of the problem. Maybe ANNETTE will have better luck. Sorry.