ALYTH - May 2023


Flora HK0 arrived 30 March 2023

Harry (unringed) arrived 4 April 2023

EGG No. 1 laid 15 April

EGG No. 2 laid 18 April

EGG No. 3 laid 21 April

First expected hatch date around 22 May


  • The chicks all fed again from this fish at 14.07

    15.32 another live fish arrives.

    The 3 chicks all feed again with varying amounts according to size.

  • After the last feed was finished, #2 bob decided to go for a wander.

    Flora flies off for a comfort break. The other two chicks are cuddled in sleeping whilst #2 is having a wee look at the new view.

    Flora returns with a chunky stick. She has to be careful where she lands with her chicks being in 2 locations.

    Perhaps Flora has decided to further heighten the nest edge with the early walk about of #2.

    Who to brood? Dilemma for Flora.

    Flora opts for the 2 in the nest cup.

    #2 eventually settles down.

    Flora decides to start a feed again. That should bring the chicks together.

    #1 and #3 feed well until #2 joins them

    and it manages to get some fish too but has to wait its turn first.

  • 19.45 Harry brings in a small live fish. (Doesn’t look much like a fish in my snap!)

    Flora took it straight away to feed the chicks who were waiting. #1 and #2 at the front with little #3 at the rear.

    Of course, #1 in prime position gets the first beakful.

    #2 getting fed

    #3 is ignored until later in the feed when Flora starts squeezing her head through the gap between #1 and #2 to reach #3.

    Flora then took the fish round to the other side to give #3 some more. Two hearts

    The other two got wise to this and #3 ended up behind them again but Flora kept making the effort to feed #3.

    Look at the large piece it got here!

    It looked like #3 managed to swallow it.

  • Harry isn’t finished for the night yet! Another small live fish is delivered at 21.36.

    Flora quickly takes the fish

    Chicks from left #3  #2  #1

    The chicks are up and begging for food like they’ve hardly eaten all day!! #1 must be fit to burst tonight!

    Flora is in speed eating and feeding mode.

    Harry is waiting patiently and when Flora and the chicks are finished, with a few contact cheeps, Harry leaves with what’s left.

  • Wednesday 31 May

    Feeds for today







    All looks well on the nest today. Harry up to his usual standards of  multiple fish deliveries. The bobs are feeding well.

    Bob #1’s back of head is starting to darken as it is developing. 

  • TWO more live fish delivered this evening.



    This fish was returned for a second meal at 21.04

  •            THREAD CLOSED - Link to JUNE 2023