ALYTH - May 2023


Flora HK0 arrived 30 March 2023

Harry (unringed) arrived 4 April 2023

EGG No. 1 laid 15 April

EGG No. 2 laid 18 April

EGG No. 3 laid 21 April

First expected hatch date around 22 May


  • Dreadful weather again tonight.

  • The rain continued for most of the night.

    Day cam came on at 04.35

    04.58 Harry arrived to take over incubation.

    It’s a very foggy morning.

    05.22 Flora returned making soft contact calls. (Yes she can do soft!!)

    She got settled on the eggs before Harry left.

    Even on a morning like this, the skylarks are in full voice. Slight smile

  • I’ve no idea what happened to the fish tail that Flora brought back to the nest last night. There have been many changeovers this morning and I’ve not noticed if either bird has taken the fish tail.

    (It was probably taken later last night.)

    06.23 I thought Flora might have found the fish tail here but she was just adjusting the plastic in the nest cup.

    Harry arrived and it didn’t seem like he saw anything tasty in the nest. He just settled down on the eggs. Flora returned 10 minutes later.

    07.11 Harry brought in a large stick

    8.23 Flora brought in a smaller stick

    The weather has been clearing up. 

    12.01 Harry on the eggs dozing

  • It seems there has been no fish delivery today, The weather deteriorated again as the day went on.

    12.56 Flora was fish calling as Harry approached the nest.

    He brought another stick. Flora left the nest so quickly, her wing hit Harry’s as he came down to land.

    No harm done. Harry placed his stick on the nest.

    Within 3 minutes, Flora returned with a stick

    Flora left her stick on the nest and picked up Harry’s to move elsewhere.

    She was making soft contact calls. As she walked around Harry and he didn’t move, her soft calls became a bit louder!

    He eventually got the message and started to get up. Flora was in there quickly to claim her spot.

    As Harry left, Flora was already settled.

  • As the afternoon progressed the rain came. Flora having a good preen.

    Tricky to see who is who with the rain diamonds on the lens.

    As the rain cleared it got windy.

    Flora fish calling

    and still calling. Harry doesn’t make an appearance though.

    The fog is back

    It just gets worse

    22.02 Night cam comes on

    Tomorrow is a new day. Let’s hope for a better one. 

  • Another wet night for Flora. Day cam comes on at 04.37

    Flora is asking gently for Fish

    She goes quiet again. 06.31 she starts calling loudly as Harry approaches.

    She is disappointed as he has no fish for her. Flora flies off and Harry takes over incubation.

  • 06.57 Flora is back. She makes soft contact calls

    Flora shifts a stick around the nest

    She walks around Harry and encourages him to get off the eggs and go fishing.

  • Ugh this weather

    I think the rain may have now stopped

    08.05=Flora starts fish calling

    Harry arrives……. with a stick

    Flora leaves

    and Harry places his stick

    before settling down on the eggs. 

  • The rain seems to have started again.Harry is still on the nest.

    and now he’s obscured by a big blob of water.

    08.43 Flora flies onto the perch

    She comes down to the nest

    and disappears into the blob. Harry emerges

    and flies off leaving Flora hidden on the eggs.

  • 09.48 Flora is still behind the blob. She shakes the rain off her head.