ALYTH - May 2023


Flora HK0 arrived 30 March 2023

Harry (unringed) arrived 4 April 2023

EGG No. 1 laid 15 April

EGG No. 2 laid 18 April

EGG No. 3 laid 21 April

First expected hatch date around 22 May


  • I’m late in getting to this nest tonight. From the live stream chat, there was an unringed intruder to the nest this morning at 06.50 and 07.18 so I can’t catch it on scroll back. Flora was on the nest and shooed (him?) off.
  • 17.53 Fish delivery, Flora has a very fish loud call, like her neighbouring Osprey at The Lowes!

    This seems to be the first fish since the tiny one she got yesterday and it’s only a fish tail.

    Off she goes with her trademark holding the fish in her beak! 

  • 18.03 Flora quickly returns to the nest. That was a very small meal again. She’s been poorly fed the last 2 days.

    She’s giving Harry an earful!

    Nothing else for Flora tonight as darkness falls.

    She’s all tucked up as the usual nightly rain starts. 

  • 05.07 Flora has been fish calling from early this morning.

    05.43 Harry arrives empty taloned.

    They changeover incubation duties.

  • 07.30 Flora is on the nest. She sees Harry incoming and starts fish calling.

    Sadly it’s only a long stick he brings to the nest.

  • Any time Harry comes to the nest, Flora calls for fish.

    However, at 12.35 she started calling as she looked up then she stopped.

    A few minutes later she started again and at 12.49 an intruder approached the nest.

    Flora was screaming as it flew overhead.

    Looks like it has a silver BTO ring on its left leg.

    Flora flapped it off before it could land.

    And away it went with Flora on high alert.

  • Hi Glider, great spot with the BTO ring!

    Lowes had an intruder this afternoon but it was clearly unringed, BTO or otherwise. Only mentioning it due to the proximity of the nests.

    Edit: It was mentioned within the LotL Osprey Diary blog (weeks 4 & 5), that they were unsure as to whether or not there was an intruding Osprey that had either a BTO ring or white darvic on its left leg (it was too unclear)

  • Hi Sandra, I’ve just found there was another intruder here too at 16.10 and it was unringed..

    Flora got unsettled at 16.09 and started frantically calling.

    She continued looking around and calling then an intruder flew in towards the nest.

    Flora defended heroically 

    She stood up flapping her wings, making contact with the other bird.

    The intruder flew to the cam pole

    showing us unringed legs.

    Flora continued to screech at it

    then thrashed her wings.

    and the intruder flew off. All went quiet as Flora settled down on her eggs.

  • 16.33 Thank goodness after all that drama, Flora is rewarded with a whole flounder.

    She reversed back to welcome Harry with the fish.

    She flies off with it in her talons.

    Harry tends to the eggs.

  • Well, I wonder if that one was the intruder from Lowes today? Well done, Flora!