LLYN BRENIG - May 2023


LJ2 returned 31 March 2023

LM6 returned 4 April 2023

Egg No. 1 laid 20 April 

Egg No. 2 laid 23 April

Egg No. 3 laid 26 April

First hatch date due around 27 May

Link to March/April 2023

  • LJ2 took the fish away after the feed and returned with it at 16.19.

    Another feed for little bob.

    Bob flops down when it has had enough

    LM6 flies off for a quick comfort break, returns and settles on her chick and eggs.

  • 18.35 LJ2 flies in with a large headless fish

    Little bob retires when it has had enough. LM6 finishes off and settles down to brood leaving the fish beside her.

  • 20.32 LM6 gets up and goes to the fish. She takes a few bites. Little bob was slow to get up but does start asking for food. LM6 seems undecided. She leaves the fish and goes towards the chick and makes close contact with her beak but I don’t think food passes over.

    LM6 settles down on the chick. The fish is behind her on the nest. 

  • 20.58 LM6 goes back to the fish again. She starts eating it and is making feeding contact calls to her chick.
    The chick starts making noises (not begging) but seems very sleepy and makes little effort to get up.

    LM6 abandons the fish after a minute or so and goes back over to the chick to cuddle it in.

  • Just as LM6 is settling down, LJ2 appears and takes the fish.

    I’m sure there’ll be plenty left to bring back later.

  • 22.42 LM6 currently on the nest with no sign of the fish or LJ2!

  • Monday 29 May

    Good morning Grinning LM6 didn’t have the company of LJ2 on the perch last night. She had her comfort break around 04.30.

    Shortly after LJ2 arrived with last night’s fish. 04.44

    LJ2 had a few mouthfuls before LM6 got up to take it.

    LM6 pulled and pulled at a long piece of skin, trying to break it off

    Little bob was up and ready for a feed 

    it got several beakfuls.

    Breakfast finished at 04.55 with LM6 settling down on her chick.

  • LM6 got up for a quick comfort break just before 06.30. She returned to the nest at 06.29 and went to the left over fish. She had some herself them fed little bob too.

    The feed lasted for 6 or 7 minutes when LM6 settled down again on her chick and 2 eggs, cleaning her beak on nearby bark.

    Today is day 36 for the 2nd egg so hopefully the little one will be making an appearance soon.

  • 08.03 LJ2 flew onto the perch then the nest with the remainder of the fish. He must’ve taken it from the nest earlier.

    Little bob was up wanting fed

    LM6 quickly started the feed 

    Something moved in the nest cup. It looked like a tiny head.

    I do believe chick #2 has arrived at 36 days!!! 

    Welcome little one.

  • LJ2 having a good look at his second born.