Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 April 2023


The moon turns full on 5 May in UK/US.

It's still chilly on my patch for May. The wee House Wrens have returned for their breeding season. They always make me happy, because they have loud, rich, bubbling songs that fill the air with joy. 

I also saw a cotton-tail rabbit near the house today, happily eating weeds. Rabbits have been scarce the last couple of years, so I was glad to see it.

Everyone have a safe, serene week. Sending healing to OG and strength to EE.

Love to all!

  • Just a thought

    I love being married. It’s so great to find a special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. (Rita Rudner)

    Before you marry a person you should first make them use a computer with slow internet to see who they really are. (Will Ferrell)

    Spend a few minutes a day really listening to your spouse. No matter how stupid his problems sound to you. (Megan Mullally)

    I married for love, but the obvious side benefit of having someone around to find my glasses cannot be ignored. (Cameron Esposito)

  • Lunch was not exciting but it was Out. We were seated at the window overlooking a light grey sky and dark grey sea, plus a sound shell roof, 5 e-bikes for hire, 2 wheelie bins, a strange sculpture of pipes (?) and a few walkers in the chill. One bikini clan girl swan for 5 mins. Then a shower of rain and the few scattered to shelter. It has rained all afternoon. OH had a Margherita and I a simple ham, cheese & passata pizza. Far too much and I let OH have a slice. OH asked where did he take me for our first date. No idea, somewhere for coffee probably.
  • Hi to all and apologies for not posting lately bit I have been reading daily. Work, family issues and friend visiting have taken my time and attention.

    Diane - Thanks as always for starting us off and telling us about your patch of woods.

    AQ - Happy Anniversay to you and OH and glad you got out. You set me thinking of my first date with my ex-husband and I think it was a boat ride around a local lake in a park. It lasted 20+ years (the relationship - not the boat ride!) and I got 3 great kids from it so not a bad exchange in my mind!

    Rusty -  when I eventually retire - I will be doing just as you are without the golf! I used to go to Dawn Chorus walks in Richmond Park when I lived in Surrey.

    OG & EE - Glad to see you posting at last and all best wishes for you all.

    Heather - I hope you will be back to full strength again soon.

    Annette - I hope you found all the lurking bits of dust and detritus and are now resting in the the sunshine or at the beach.

    Lindy - lovely flowers and colours in you garden.

    Recently I had 6 friends from Surrey - ex work colleagues visiting and on the Saturday I took them to Southwold. It was a glorious day and we parked at the Pier and walked the length of the seafront and then turned right along the harbour road. We then stoped at one  of the many fishermens hut selling seafood and they (not me) had plates of Oysters, whelks and prawns washed down with champagne (me!) It was great. Unfortunately a few days later there was a terrible fire that destroyed 3 of the huts and caused a lot of damage - so sad - this is think link to the story on BBC East Website



    Yesterday I was on Polling duty for our local election from 6.30am to 10.15pm - my first time of doing it and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Some people expressing their disgust at having to provice photo ID and a few insisting of using a pen to mark their choices as they thought we would rub them out!

    Today I went to a Mass for King Charles and Queen Camilla in Aldebutgh and this afternoon I am going to the C of E Church to listen to an hours long peal of bells in their honour.

    Tomorrow I will be watching and toasting them and all the Royal Family. I know this is getting seriously outdated but I think Charles will make a good King.

    Have a good weekend all and keep the posts coming!

  • HARELADY Good to read your post......sad about the huts being burned down.

    I am certainly feeling a bit of an odd man out as I too think Charles will make a good King. HM The Queen is an impossible act to follow. We were out in town today and I only came across one person who would not be watching the coronation tomorrow. I think many people in Scotland still appreciate the monarchy but of course it is the anti monarchist people whose voices are heard the loudest. It is good to see the Ness Bridge and The Town House are lit up red white and blue.
  • Good Afternoon. Nice to hear that you managed an outing, AQ, and celebrated your special Anniversary. I don't eat as much for lunch these days, although I often wish I could "pig out!!"

    Harelady, nice to hear from you, & what you've been up to. Sad about the huts burnin g down.

    I've been busy decorating with many bits of bunting & flags, in readiness for The Coronation. I also think Charles will make a good King and will be a little more modern in his reign. My OH will never forgive him or Camilla for what happened to Diana but I'm prepared to guess that it was all a tragedy, mostly caused by the pressure upon him to marry and produce an heir. He & Diana were chalk & cheese and it would have ended in divorce at some point whatever, with or without Camilla's existence. He went to her when all was lost.
  • AQ - glad you got your lunch out. You had an “interesting” view from the restaurant window. Lol!!!
    Harelady - good to hear from you. Very sad about the huts by the beach though.
    Lindy - well done with your bunting, I have bought red, white and blue bedding plants for my pots. Obviously they won’t be colourful tomorrow but, they should be nice in the summer. In town I noted that quite a lot of the shops had bunting in their windows. Some, naturally were Welsh dragon flags rather than the Union Jack. Red, white and blue balloons were in evidence too. I had a pleasant lunch with my friend and we caught up on each other’s news. I have had a very lazy afternoon in my conservatory watching the birds on the feeders and listening to the radio. Most pleasant.
  • Totally agree with you LINDY. It was an accident waiting to happen.

    We are going to a post coronation bbq on Sunday. I will be wearing red white and blue.
  • Hello all, not been on this week but just had a quit skim through and see that you are all getting up to something, posting pics of lovely blossoms or out on walks. Not a lot doing down here although recently we bought the azeleas down from the shade and put them on the patio and one of the bushes has really come into its own and has blossomed.

    Glad to see that OH and EE are almost back in the loop, still recovering but hopefully past the worse. I believe congrats are in order for your 50th WA.

    Have a lovely weekend all and may all go right for the Coronation tomorrow. It'd be a shame if the flypast was cancelled but weather has to dictate if its safe or not.
  • Morning all:

    AQ; Sounds like a fairly standard anniversary outing (every year we have to remind each other of the exact date and we've only been married 21 years).

    Harelady: I have happy memories of a day with my sister in Aldeburgh and Southwold that included a walk out on the pier. Shame about the fire; hope they won't be out of business for too long, especially with summer probably being their busiest season. Must confess I didn't even get started on housecleaning, although I did pick up a few hard-too-ignore bits with the Dustbuster. Must also confess that I'll likely watch the coronation live; have warned everyone not to expect much from me for the rest of Saturday, although someone is starting a community gardening club that's meeting for the first time in the afternoon so will go to that.
  • Have been enjoying some of the Coronation fever coverage on TV. It must really annoy some of those who are not keen on all the shenanigans, though!

    AQ - Loved your quotes today. Marriage is certainly a rum thing: I shocked my children at our Anniversary celebration recently by announcing that all those years ago, as I went up the aisle, I had thought "This will last either 18 months or 10 years!"