Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 April 2023


The moon turns full on 5 May in UK/US.

It's still chilly on my patch for May. The wee House Wrens have returned for their breeding season. They always make me happy, because they have loud, rich, bubbling songs that fill the air with joy. 

I also saw a cotton-tail rabbit near the house today, happily eating weeds. Rabbits have been scarce the last couple of years, so I was glad to see it.

Everyone have a safe, serene week. Sending healing to OG and strength to EE.

Love to all!

  • Morning all - and especially OG. :-)

    AQ: Congrats on your 50th anniversary. Glad you'll be able to pry your OH out the door to lunch. :-) Hope it's somewhere wonderful.

    Am going to hit the grocery stores today; have finally organized a fairly comprehensive list (wonder what I've forgotten?)
  • AQ and OH - Happy 50th Anniversary!
  • OG - glad to see you back. I note that you use the word “recovering” which I find positive.

    AQ and OH - many congratulations on your landmark anniversary. Enjoy your meal out.

    Annette - good luck with the grocery shopping.

    It was jolly cold at 7am this morning in the “attractive” former quarry where we went birdwatching!!! The wind was icy! However, we got our 2 target birds!!! We heard 2 cuckoos and saw a beautiful male redstart. We walked almost 3 miles and it involved some scrambling up and down scree like slopes!!! A large cuppa and piece of cake at 9.30am in a cafe were most welcome.

    Looking for the peregrine falcon on the rocks (we didn’t find it!!!!) Note the inspiring setting!! Actually, it’s good to see how nature is reclaiming the limestone quarry. NB. I am taking the photo so am not in the shot!!! 

  • RUSTY - so glad that you heard the cuckoo ! I've been thinking about it..
    AQ - congratulations for your Golden Wedding. I hope that you enjoy your lunch..
  • Not been on all day -- so very pleased to see that OG has been posting. Keep on getting better, all of you.

    AQ - We must have been married within weeks of each other - Many Congratulations & Best Wishes to you both for your Anniversary. I do hope your lunch is yummy.
  • Rusty - well done on hearing your birds. I like the photograph. :-)
  • AQ - Happy anniversary to you and your OH. Hope you enjoy your celebratory lunch.

    Rusty - I hadn't heard a cuckoo for years, and then heard one a couple of weeks ago, very loud and appeared to follow us for quite a distance. Lovely to hear.
  • OG – So good to see a message from you. Keep recovering.

    LINDA – 1973 was a historic year!

    ALL – Thank you for Congrats. OH suggested lunch out, then knowing that I am a “small lunch” eater changed to coffee & cake at Murattis. Later I realized he would hate it – crowded, lots of ladies and he does not like sweet things. So we have changed back to lunch. I have booked Melt at Henley, a pizza place. I see lots of strange toppings on menu – scallops (his favourite), prawns, truffles. I just hope there is a simple pizza for me and I shall have to leave half!