Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 April 2023


The moon turns full on 5 May in UK/US.

It's still chilly on my patch for May. The wee House Wrens have returned for their breeding season. They always make me happy, because they have loud, rich, bubbling songs that fill the air with joy. 

I also saw a cotton-tail rabbit near the house today, happily eating weeds. Rabbits have been scarce the last couple of years, so I was glad to see it.

Everyone have a safe, serene week. Sending healing to OG and strength to EE.

Love to all!

  • A lot is asked of the magnificent horses on parade. i had to smile at Apollo misbehaving, I think the Irish Guards wolfhound was there but I didn't see him. There was a delightful programme on a couple of nights ago and it showed him being measured up for his new uniform.
  • I hardly moved a muscle throughout the processions and the service. What a wonderful day! Shame about the weather, but you can't have everything ... So relieved they had kept in most of the traditional music. Didn't think much of most of the new music, though ... give me Handel, Parry, Byrd any day!! I wish our King well. I was a bit concerned about him during the service, though - he really didn't look well ... or was I misreading that?
  • Hallo again. Nodded off right at the end and woke up when the tv lady announced they were on the balcony. The choir was fantastic as always. Loved the traditional music and hymns; also the Kyrie sung in Welsh (didn't realize Welsh is one of the oldest languages in Europe!). I liked the inclusion of the Eastern Orthodox music although it definitely gave that part of the service a different feel; also liked the Gospel singers - that music always sounds so joyful. But I too found myself wondering what he was thinking. He seemed somewhat ill at ease with all the rituals and I was thinking he just wanted it all to be over ASAP. Not his style... Probably went in from the balcony and said 'Thank God that's over.'
  • Hehe, Annette. I thought that as well!! Yes, I liked the Eastern Orthodox music as well, and the Welsh. I was very glad I had the Order of Service in front of me and could see the words! Although I have sung the Kyrie hundreds of times - but almost always in Latin and never in Welsh! I remember years ago singing the Welsh National Anthem in Welsh - we had to learn it phonetically. It's not the easiest language for those of us who live over the border.