Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 April 2023


The moon turns full on 5 May in UK/US.

It's still chilly on my patch for May. The wee House Wrens have returned for their breeding season. They always make me happy, because they have loud, rich, bubbling songs that fill the air with joy. 

I also saw a cotton-tail rabbit near the house today, happily eating weeds. Rabbits have been scarce the last couple of years, so I was glad to see it.

Everyone have a safe, serene week. Sending healing to OG and strength to EE.

Love to all!

  • Hey, folks. I will start the new thread as usual tomorrow night unless you all think that would be inappropriate or disrespectful, given that it's Coronation Day. Hello to all.
  • Hello DIANE - I think it will be fine to keep to the usual routine but thank you for the kind thought. Hope everyone agrees with me !
  • Diane: Can't imagine why anyone would think that (or maybe I'm just clueless). As it is, I just came on and was surprised there wasn't a new thread started, given that it's - ahem - Saturday today. Duh. Seem to be losing track of the weeks once it gets past Thursday...

    Just noticed that the new community gardening coop/club isn't having its first meeting until Sunday afternoon, so no problem being a zombie tomorrow. I'm off to bed now in hopes of getting a few hours sleep before the 2 a.m. alarm (although I see PBS is starting their coverage at 11 p.m. tonight and CNN is starting at 10 p.m. - gadzooks!)
  • Tonight our fair city is lighting main buildings (Gov House, etc) in purple. Sydney is not lighting the Opera House due to the cost! I shall be watching the Crowning, after all it is Saturday night when usually nothing is worth watching and it is A Great Spectacle. The ceremony begins at a civilized 7.30 pm (our time) although the pre-waffle starts at 4 pm!!! For those in UK exclaiming about the expense, I would suggest the Royals bring in tourists. Think of all those photo-ed outside Buck Palace. As for those advocating a republic DownUnder, I would ask “What kind of republic” and say “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Now I shall get off my soapbox. . .

  • Good Morning. Diane, no problems with Business As Usual, but very kind of you to worry if we'd be sensitive about it. Today is a joyful day for those of us Monarchists, and those with a sense of history, but it is also a day of fun.

    I've been blowing up red, white & blue balloons & I have some earrings from years ago with tiny Union Jacks on them.

    It looks as if those watching the processions in London will get wet, just as they did all those years ago for our lovely Queen. But I don't think it'll dampen their spirits.
  • AQ -- They were already talking about the Coronation when I put the TV on at 7.00am. The coverage of it began at 7.30am and they've spent the whole time interviewing those who are waiting to see the spectacle and those who have met The King in some way or other.
  • I have the TV on and am ready to make copious cups of tea!!!! The music in the Abbey over the last hour has been wonderful.
    Yes, Lindy, it does look damp in London.
    I wonder if Annette is watching in the wee small hours. Good for you Annette,
  • Good morning. Oh yes, had a cup of coffee and wondering if I should eat breakfast now..... I'm watching PBS (Public Broadcasting Corporation) and seems like they are piggy-backing on the BBC broadcast.
  • RUSTY Some magnificent music. I love the gospel choir.
  • Thoroughly enjoyed watching the Coronation. I watched Queen Elizabeth's Coronation in black and white as there was no color tv. This was just gorgeous! The music was also wonderful! Congratulations to you all on your new King!