Alyth Ospreys - 2023

This is a new thread following the Osprey nest at Alyth electricity sub station, located in the Perth and Kinross region.

The Ospreys have nested at the site  for many years, first year was around 1990.

They were nesting on a nearby electricity tower, but due to a planned expansion of the site a decision was taken to resite the old nest to a specially constructed 25-metre nesting tower and two nearby 8.5 metre resting perches, which were erected in 2014. Advice was sought from Roy Dennis.

Since that first breeding season in 2014, a total of 14 osprey chicks have been observed to have fledged from the new site.

The resident ospreys are called Harry and Flora, named by a local school in Alyth. All pupils were also given their own osprey soft toy as a thank you from the teams for getting involved and for showing such enthusiasm about the ospreys.


Richard B

  • After 10 or 15 minutes, Flora starts chipping for Harry. He comes to the nest and Flora leaves.

    Harry settles down to incubate but some of the plastic sheeting bothers him.

    Harry gets up and starts pulling at pieces of plastic.

    A piece breaks loose and is blown away to the left of the nest.

  • That plastic is a nuisance!

    Thanks for the updates, Glider :)
  • Sandra P said:
    That plastic is a nuisance!

    Thanks for the updates, Glider :)

    It is indeed Sandra Angry and you’re very welcome. Blush

    Not much to report today, been quite peaceful apart from a short flyover from an unseen intruder.

  • The 2 birds did lots of changeovers for incubation. I don’t know if there are 2 eggs now. (First egg on 15/04) Our view is blocked with the plastic and a very deep cup.

    Unseen intruder warned off

    This was the only fish I saw brought to the nest and it was just a tail which Harry consumed there and then.

    Flora didn’t seem too much bothered. She maybe had an earlier one.

    Flora arrived back at the nest

    Harry was in no hurry to get up. Flora started asking nicely then it kind of turned into a fish call

    He finally got the message and got up 21 minutes after Flora arrived and flew off the nest.

    Flora asking for fish

    Nothing tonight and she’s fast asleep now Zzz

  • A fine dry, calm morning. Harry arrives at 05.10 to relieve Flora from brooding.

    Flora returns 20 minutes later

    They swap over then mating takes place. 

  • Just after 08.30, a small live fish is delivered to Flora.

    She collects it in her beak

    then turns around to fly off.

    However, Flora has caught her leg on some plastic and gets pulled back as she tries to take off.

    Harry is startled.

    She decides to transfer the fish to her left talons

    and leaves the nest.

    It looks like a ribbon of plastic is around her ankle.

    You can see the plastic streamer as she flies away.

  • I hope she manages to peck it off, Glider!
  • Unringed intruder over the nest. Flora protects her eggs, spreading her wings and laying flat.

    As it gets close, Flora gets up and wing flaps.

    Is the intruder leaving?

    Flora stays low in the nest and a few minutes later Harry arrives with a fish.

    The intruder is still around and is flushed out by Harry. 

    Harry chips on the nest.

    Then flies off with the fish again.

    Flora remains low for about 6 minutes ensuring the danger has passed. When Harry next returns to the nest, his talons are empty.

    So they’ve both had a wee fish each so far. Blush

  • Sandra P said:
    I hope she manages to peck it off, Glider!

    Yes thankfully Sandra, she returned at 08.48 carrying some grasses and all looked well.

    It’s a worry though. Pensive

  • Mating for future egg(s)