Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 March 2023


I hope everyone has a serene, peaceful week.

My only news is that the male Eastern Kingbird arrived this evening, completing his migration all the way from South America. He is very early this year. Some of you may remember the year the Kingbirds got into my garage and nested there, wildly attacking me every time I sought my lawn mower. Lol They are bold, brave, and extremely aggressive birds.

Tonight, he landed briefly on my porch window screen and gave me a long look, then he flew around the house to his old nest site. Over the last 3 or 4 years, the male and I have established a detente. They nest in a big fallen tree in my back garden, and I leave them alone. Lol These days, his aggression is mild and more ceremonial than dangerous. Lol I'm very glad he made it back!

Enjoy your week, all.

  • Rusty, thanks for the info on RSPB Conwy. We haven't called in there for a while. Its difficult when we're en route to Caernarfon, as we always have the dog with us, and of course she's not allowed in!

    It was my OHs birthday yesterday, and when we were travelling home on the plane, I mentioned it to the stewardess who was serving us each with a glass of wine. She was surprised, she said, because a man in the row behind us was also celebrating! When we all got out of our seats to leave, we met him and exchanged congrats.

  • My OH got only 5 birthday cards. Some of his relatives just don't bother. But when speaking to his cousin on the phone this morning he thanked him for his card - which he hadn't received because they hadn't sent one! Worse still, the cousin then proceeded to say, that's OK.....   HE had no idea whether they'd sent one, or not. I didn't know whether to laugh or not!!

  • (Incidentally, on our flight back we were each on a different side of the aisle. As I sat down next to a middle aged woman, I said "Hello!" brightly in a friendly manner. She looked at me and muttered something. After a couple of minutes I asked "Have you had a good holiday?" She replied "Yes "

    That was the only word she spoke to me for the next four hours. She & her husband shut their eyes as the plane took off, and they surfaced briefly to eat a packet of crisps. They didn't ask to get up for the loo or even speak to the stewardesses.  My OH reported that the couple he was sitting next to were much the same. What is wrong with people?)

  • Happy Birthday, bjane - hope you enjoy your day.

    I am celebrating a friend's birthday tomorrow by taking her out for the day. Planning a visit to a National Trust property (Ightham Mote) then a trip to Rochester where we can look at the house I used to live in, climb over the castle and end our day with Evensong at the cathedral. Somewhere in there will be lunch. And the forecast is for heavy rain and gales. Hey ho ... I'll let you know what we ACTUALLY do!!
  • BJANE – Belated birthday wishes. I hope you enjoyed your lunch and the continuing celebrations this weekend.

    Belated birthday greetings to LINDA’s OH.

    PAT – A long lunch in a dry spot perhaps?

    A week or so ago I noticed the rainbow lorikeets or rosellas are back in our district. I can hear them whistling and screeching in the gum trees in the reserve and occasionally in our crab apple. Sadly I cannot see them and I know how difficult they were to photo when I could see. But lovely to know they are around. I had a brainwave – I Googled the sound and they are lorikeets.

    Things Are Happening Next Door. A day of strange noises - building or demolishing something? Then yesterday huge packs of long planks were delivered to their front lawn.

  • Just a thought

    Age is not important unless you are a cheese. (Helen Hayes)

    When I was a lad I wanted to be older. . . this is not what I expected. (t shirt message)

    I wish I were what I was when I was trying to become what I am now. (graffiti)

  • Stobie piles are unique to our state. They always seem to be in the wrong place when I am photo-ing an old building. In some suburbs they are artworks.

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OG!!!!!!!!!

    I hope you have a perfect day, my friend!

    (I hope my memory is correct about the date. My internet is still out, and I can't access my calendar or make you a card, but I'm thinking of you and sending you joy!)
  • Happy belated birthday to bJane and LINDYs OH !
    And OG - happy birthday. I didn't realise that J had finished at Gretna. Was it because of the violent pupil? I thought that he had just finished because of Easter hols.
    LINDY - My OH was a very friendly chap, always happy to chat to anyone, anywhere ! I'm less so, even though my whole career was about making relationships with clients...
    AQ - interesting about the metal poles ( and the white ants!)
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY,  OG!!! Enjoy your day. xx