Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 March 2023


I hope everyone has a serene, peaceful week.

My only news is that the male Eastern Kingbird arrived this evening, completing his migration all the way from South America. He is very early this year. Some of you may remember the year the Kingbirds got into my garage and nested there, wildly attacking me every time I sought my lawn mower. Lol They are bold, brave, and extremely aggressive birds.

Tonight, he landed briefly on my porch window screen and gave me a long look, then he flew around the house to his old nest site. Over the last 3 or 4 years, the male and I have established a detente. They nest in a big fallen tree in my back garden, and I leave them alone. Lol These days, his aggression is mild and more ceremonial than dangerous. Lol I'm very glad he made it back!

Enjoy your week, all.

  • Just a thought

    There are three kinds of people in the world: those who are good at math and those who aren’t. 

    That awkward moment when you finish a math problem and your answer isn’t even one of the many choices. (Ritu Ghatourey)

    It's easy to identify people who can't count to ten. They're in front of you in the supermarket express lane. (June Henderson)

    Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers. Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. (Shakuntala Devi)

  • Annette- great news about your granddaughter. You must feel very proud. Good for her.
  • We are home and my garden is a mass of bright colour, as all our daffodils are out and also, our neighbours wonderful and huge pink magnolia is leaning over the fence and filling the sky.

    Our holiday didn't seem too short, to us, although as usual the last day was a rush of trying to fit in a visit to some of our favourite places as well as pack up. We had the best weather there, we've ever had - sunshine every day and not much wind. Plenty of time for both of us to relax, sleep and read. My OH had several trips to the beach on his own to swim (it was difficult for me to sit on the sand as I couldn't then get up again! But maybe next time I might persuade him to buy a folding chair for me)

    More about our journey home later.

    Annette, so nice to come on and find your brilliant news of granddaughter's success - well done!

  • Lindy - glad you are home. So lovely for you to come back to spring colour.
  • Thanks Rusty - I just edited my post as forgot something!
  • Went out in my dressing gown whilst still emptying cases this morning, to snap some of the garden.

    Cheerful (new) daffodils which my OH planted last autumn. They're very tall! - after hearing how windy it's been we were expecting them to be blown flat, but maybe they're sheltered by the fence.

  • A pretty white bloom - a bit out of focus because I needed 2 hands for the picture, and so couldn't hold it up. It was swaying in the breeze.

  • LINDA welcome back. Lovely Daffs. We are finding that flowers are holding on a long time with not too much heat - although it is currently warm again, and another dry day today - so far.

    Not particularly busy - I chose not to go to M&S food yesterday in the rain - when will it be dry enough to mow? New mower was delivered yesterday, but first mow will have to be a rough cut with the old one! J is tidying up loose ends from Gretna - and this afternoon is back to job centre - back on weekly visits.